Problemas contemporáneos de la actividad aeronáutica y del espacio
Werner Guldímarm J FREEDON AND OR OONTROL IN INrERNATIONAL CIVIL AVIA1'lON The worldwide Air Transport 1C0nference, planned by IIiCAO for spring 1977, couId become most useful in tlhis respecto However, if it overreadhes itself, or iI it is misused for spedal pl¡:adings or for general political purposes, it can easiIy develop into just an:other example of international dis:mption and frustration, jnto just another one oI a welI known of international happening. The riS'k is with uso T'here is perhaps a more real chance if multilateral deliberations, undispensahle as such, are at first kept within tlhe limits oE a re– gional framewÚ'rk, wh¡ere there is more communality of interests and attitudes. A good example, demonstrating both the practical value and the practical difficulties of this approach, are the talks on tihe regulation of North Atlantic charter flights between the North Ame-– rican and the Western lEuropean States QECAC) , whioh have gone on now for some years. Tthey might f.orm the nudeus for a more ge– neral approach to the problem of an overall regulatory system for the Nortth Atlantic ,regíon. 4.5. Governments o.rnd CarTiers J\Ianagem1ent and staff of all airlines are permanently under tibe heavy preSsure oi day-to-day operations and of the difficult task of making ends meet, ,of meeting the budget targets, of maintaining lhe financial health of their respective companies. It is very natural therefore uhat -in general- tJhey desire every kind of protection óeir government is aMe to give them, and that in their considera– tions short,..itlerm objectives and short-term perspectives Ipt'evail. l\loreÚlver, most oi tthem have been ¡educated, and are still, in a men– tality for wlhich quantitative growth and expansion has but positive connotatíons. 'Governments, on the other hand, while always being subject to polítical pressures> of various kinds, are - agaicn: in general - in a better positíon to look .at tibe prohlems of civil aviation in a ,long– term ;perspective and to establish an appropriate balance between short-term and long-terro requirements. At the same time, they are better equiped to recognize ,and to identify the overall problems of growth. On the hasis of the foregoing, the following conc1usions are sub– mitted: -- Wihile giving the proper weight to short-term requirements, Go– vernments slhould not permit their respect¡'ve airlines to jeopardize long-term objectives by short-term advantages (such as, e.g., may
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