Problemas contemporáneos de la actividad aeronáutica y del espacio
PROBLEMAS CONTEMPORANEOS DE LA ACn\lDAD AERO:\ÁUTlCA y DEL ESPACIO that government agreements will continue to form the most impor– tant international regulatory instrum¡ents. Tihis has always been so in seheduled traffie. In view of rhe inereasing interaetion between scheduled and nor-scheduled traffie imd in view of tibe íact that most governments severely restrict the freedom of foreign non-sdhe– duled earriers, there is small d()ubt that it will· beeome so in non– scheduled traffic as well. In IView of the inter.aetion and interdependenee between sdhe~ duled and non-schedulet traffie, it áppears more appropriate and ef~ ficient to regulate both cat,egories by the same instruments. Bilateral agreements are flexibleand eUident too15 for reguIa- I tion and will not easily be replaeed by multilateral instruments. 1t would however have great advantages if the main ¡principIes and guideIines could ,be multilaterally estalbli¡¡hed, even lf at first onIy on a regional basis (f. ex. for the N orth IAtlantic or for the Soutlh Atlantic), and. rpetihaps at first only in the form of reeommenda~ tions. 4.3.2. Industry A,grements and Arrangements Sdf-regulatory eHorts of earriers should eontinue to apply as far as possible, combined with appropdate government surveillance. In particular, the formuIation of tariffs should remain primarily a matter for carríers. Establishing a proper relationship between ta– riffs of seheduled and oí non-sdheduled carriers eouId be very mueh assited Iby regional fora which ind:ude both categories of carriers. Bilateral earder arrangements on capacity and related matters can be useful, efficient and flexible, too15 for improving the economíc viability of carriers, while maintaining adequate seliVice to die pu– blic. 4.4. ,What to do next The present situ,ation ís marked on the one hand by a dangerous desintegration of international civil aviatíon i:n many fields, on the other by a host of studies and rasearen and diseussions, going on in many countries and ,bodies, both national and international, both official and private. 'I\lhatsoever the tedhnical instruments, an international regulato– ry system will never work satisfaetorily if, it is full of eontI'adictions and loopholes, like tob,e oue in which we' are working and living at presento It is urgent, and it should be possible, to establish mueh more common ground. This clearly needs an international forum -. 01' international fora.
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