Problemas contemporáneos de la actividad aeronáutica y del espacio

PROBLEMAS CONTEMPORÁNEOS DE LA ACTn'lDAD AERON;\UTICA y DEL ESPACIO Originally, market entry was very much restricted by eligibility al' charterworthiness rules; suoh rules were however very !lluch loo– sened subsequently. Internatíonal regulatíon ma)' safely start from two elements: on the ane lhand, rhat such flightsare open to the ge– neral public, on tihe other hand, tbnt they are organized and sold by an intermediary. Regarding eligibility, Le. the substance of ad– mitte contracts (IT, GIT, OTe, ABe, etc.), three paints seem to be in place: - It would be very useful to ¡have a limited number only aI con.. tract types, estrublished within a multilateral framework. ,The types slhould be sucJI as to permit :a reliable and easy im– plementation. - The types can be the more liberally formed,if there i8 some kind of a capadty and perhaps príce control to regulate the reJatíon to scheduled capadties and tariffs. 4.2.2. ICapadty Control l. Saheduled transporto The practical experience of the past decade, in particular in the North Atlantic regían, offers strong ,arguments in favour of capad– ty control. íThe main argument is connected to the i;mbalance wlhich is in– herent in a system without capacity control, due to tlhe fundamen:1 tal correlation between frequency share and market share, which makes it practically impossible for individual caITiers to inidate freL. quency I1eductions (for a detailed explanation, see Jesse J. Freed– man: A New Air Transport Palicy for the North Atlantic, 1976, p.33 ss.)" To achieve the objective, it mighthowever be sufficient to rely on Bermuda rules, without eSitablfishing strict prern.eterminatíon. One should not forget in tlhis context that real efforts to apply the respective Bermuda rules were made ,but v,ery recently. 'Ilhe Bermuda rules would al¡so appear to offer a ~atisfactory basis for settling the particularly difficult problems involved in 5th free– doro traffie. Most important for any system of eapacity control. ho\wever formed, would be to incorporate an element of competitive remuneration. This might 'b¡e done, e.g., by permitting carriers who are able to build-up higher load faetors t'han their oompetitors to offer a great.. el' share of additional capacity. 60