Problemas contemporáneos de la actividad aeronáutica y del espacio
PROBLEMAS CONTEMPORÁNEOS DE LA ACTIVIDAD AERONÁUTICA y DEL ESPACIO tablished by the memb:ers of tlhe international community, in re– cognizing the need for a co-ordinated poliey, to be formed as a ma– tter of course on the basis oí a consclous system approaeh 'WIhich em– Ihraces all sectors of the industry and al1 traffie regions and whioh ta'kes into aceOllnt the main elements of Dhe general environment (such as the manufacturing industry, the ecological reqüi:rements, including ¡ro el and energy aspects etc.). 4.1.2. The conclusion Írom the foregoing consideration of extre– me positions, in very broad terms, is inevitable: Government eon~ trol as far as necessary for achieving tihe basic objectives, competi– tíon and freedom of actÍon as far as possible. 4.1.3. The further question, whether bilateral negotiationsand reo– lations, whether tlhe excíhange of values should strictly be limited to Óivil aviatíon aspects, seems !lo, be a rather theoretical one: When– ever either one of the parties has a chanee to influence the balance by stressing an important outside aspect, ir will eertainly not miss the opportunity. Nor is there anything indecent in it, because rela– tions between IStates form an over.all whole, of which civil ,aviation is hut a sub-system. 4.1.4. With regard to the balance of be exchanged in any one of the numerous bilateral relations involved, it would appear therefore; - that it will be more appropriate to maintain and to strengthen the competitiviC incentive resulting from the principie oí fair and equal opportunities, wheareas the objective of equality of benefits tends to reduce flexi,hility and to hamper progress (competition is the breath of Hfe!) ; ~ that tJhe Ip.rinciple()lf limiting the exehange to the domain of civilaviation, w'hile justifiable as sudh, should not be applied too stricrly, amd tii1at it should remain possible (and wil! remain nece– ssary), according to circumstances, to take other aspects into 'account. 4.1.5. Eiven if the objective as such is considered to be worthwile, it would probably be illusionary to 'helieve that it wiII be possiJble in a near future to generally merge the scheduled and the non schedu– led parts of the industry. However, it should be c1early recognized and taken into aceount that botih are parts of one system, and that it is just not possib-Ie to regulate (or deregulate) either of fuem witJhout affecting the other.
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