Problemas contemporáneos de la actividad aeronáutica y del espacio

Werner Guldimann I FREEOON AND OR CONTROL IN INTERNATIONAI. CIVIL AVIA'I'ION In order to get an idea oI the probable results oI such a system, Qne has but to consider the participating competitors as they realIy are: in their very different sizes and very different financial strengtth, - in their very difíerent geogra 1 phical locations, - in th,~ir very different stages oí quality development. The probable sequence of developments after establishing ,unres– tricted freedom can easily be foresflen: a general stiffening of com– petition, an excessive increase in capacities, a breakdown of tariffs and heavy financial losses. eliminatíon of the weaker airlines and concentration O!l1 a limited number of strong anes. Governments ,vould of course be f.orced to intervene bef.ore tthe final phas,e. Nor would the, system have a chance .of beingaccepted in the first lin:e by a sufficient number .of g.overnments: It would ttherefore not be feasi¡ble anyway. 4.0.2. Extreme Government Control Such a regime would consist of JI c.omplete and all-embracing ínter,. nati.onal systems planning and contr.ol. oí market entry in every region! oI tlhe world, of capacities, on every international service, of tariffs and prices for scheduled and for n.on-scheduled services alike all over the w.orld. It W.ould .of CQ;urse have sorne advantages (,which would probahIy ihe even more significant when limited, in its abs.olute form, to trunk Hne services) . On the otlher rumd, it w.ould very probably result in a pr.oliferation .of bureaucracy, - in a 10ss .of flexibility and of competitive incentive, - in delaying desirable and feasible technical, .o¡perational and ec.onomícal progress, - in significantly reducing me equality .of opportunities, - in further strellgthening the position .oí the already strong. countdes and carriers aHke. Apart from suob serio'Us disadvantages: While the system might as such be feasible and workable, it would be contrary to the basic phil.os.ophy still prevailing in manycountries of the w-orld. 4.1. Fundamenta-ls 4.1.1. First of aH, it is very important that comm.on ground be es- 57