Problemas contemporáneos de la actividad aeronáutica y del espacio

PROBLEMAS CONTEMPORÁNEOS DE LA ACTIVIDAD AERONÁUTICA y DEL ESPACIO 3.1.3. JMain Areas of Govemment Control There are three main areas of government ~ontrol in scheduled as well as in non-t>oheduled traffie, and the same would hold good after a merger of the two parts: Market entry -- Capatity -- ,Tariffs and prices iln each, it has to be decided whether a completely open, a strÍc– tly dosed or a mixed regime shall be established. To exemplify. me present situatíon in scheduled traffie is, in general, as follOlWs: -- Market entry: The regime is closed -- only tlhe designated ca– rriers may enter the market. -- Capacity: lJ:n case of predeterminatíon, we' have a closed system, whereas under Bermuda rules it may be considered as mixed. -- ,Tariffs: lATA tariffs, subject to government appro:val, represen– ted a dosed system. 3.2. Th¡e Machinery 3.,2.1. Govemment Relations The main problem !bere is simply whether toe present system of bi– lateral agreements should be replaced 01' at least supplemented by a multilateral system or multilateral systems. 3.2.2. Industry Relations Assuming that governments are wi).ling to delegate or at least to permit) sorne regulatory activities to (or 'by) the carriers, the relevant questions can be listed as follows: -- Wihat are the respective objects of regulatíon (market entI)'. ca– pacity, tari.ffs)? -- 'Wlhat is the appropriate \machinery to be provided for by the industry (multilateral or ,bilateral); separate or common for sehe. duled and non-saheduled traffie? ' -- ITo what degree will it be neeessary or 'Useful to reserve govern– ment approval? 4 A PüSSIBLE SOLUTorON 4.0. Inroductory: Th:e Extreme fttsitions 4.0.1. Extreme Freedorn A regime oí absolub.e freedom would form an unrestrÍcted laissez faire: unlimited market entry, no eapacity control, no tariff control.