Problemas contemporáneos de la actividad aeronáutica y del espacio
lVerner Guldimann ! FREEDON AND OR OONTROL IN INTERNATIONAL CIVIL AVIATION - It should make possible an eeonomically efficient operatíon of airports and air traffie services as well. - It should give long-term as weIl as shott-term consideratiom their due weight. - It should optimize utilization of transportatíon capacities. - It slhould be stable enough to permit reasonable planning ,by the industry as a whole as well as by its individual Gomponents, while being sufficiently flexible t.o adapt smoothly, as time goes on, to any major ohanges in its environment. 2.5. The broader the international eonsens'Us of the States, on wlhieh it will Ihave to base itself, the more efficient and the smoother in. its application the system will ,be. This is self-evic;Ient and needs no further elaboratíon. 3 THE MAIN PROBLEMS TO BE RESOLVED: AN a:NVENTORY 3.1. T he Substance 3.1.1. Fundamentals of civil aviatian relations 1. A firth if gromewmat theoretical question, fundamental to the sha~ ping of civil aviation relations ibetween the member States oí the international . community, is whether the respecüve carriers should be given complete freedom in their commerdal activities, oc whe– vher their opportunities should be more or less severely restricted and controlled. 2: A!nother 'q:uestion refers to the framewoi~k of such r~lations (áild negotiations): Should it be strictly limited to civil aviation aspects or should it inelude such other fundamental aspects as, e.g. political affinities between ,tJhe States invohred, general trade relations, finan.– cial committments etc.? rnhis isclosely connected with the next question: 3 Assuming that a fair and equal balance i8 of the essence fOí any bilateral relation: Should such balance in' civil aviation refer to the opportunities of the respective carriers, or rather to tlliebenefits "they are able to reap from such opportunities? 3.1.2. Scheduled and non scheduled carriers? A very important problem too: Is the traditional distiilCtion between the two categories of traffic and of carriers to be maintained as a matter of principIe, however modified in detail, or will it be advi"" sable to merge the two parts of the air transport indu8try? 55
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