Problemas contemporáneos de la actividad aeronáutica y del espacio

PROBLEMAS CONTEMPORÁNEOS DE LA ACTIVIDAD AERONÁUTICA y DEL ESPACIO lihe economicaI and political importance oí international civil aviation. On the other hand, a tendency might develop fior merging the dharter and the scheduled parts of the presentsystem, but probably not in a very near future. 2 ITHE OVERALL OBJECTlVES OF THE REGULATORY SYSTEM 2.1. The basic objectives of a sound regulatory system may be read in thePreamble of the Chicago Convention, 1944. In particular, theyare: - the develOlpment of international civil aviation in a safe and orderly manner; - the establishment of international air transport services based on equality of opportunity; - the sound and economical operation of such services. Nobody will 'pretend tlhat these objectives Ihave been reached in the years behind us, with regard neither to an orderly development nor to equality of opportunities, nor to a sound and economical Dperation. Tlhis does of course not mean that the objectives as such 6hould be albandoned. 2.2. iA word should be added with regard to the interests to be 5erved by - properIr regulated - international air transport serví– ces~ In a long range perspectíve - and it is important to stress this perspéctive - they are: tl).e overall interests of the international community; me interests of \:Ihe individual States; tihe ínter.ests of the trans<port customer community; the interests OIf the (industry itself, as well as of manufacturing and related industries. ' 2.3. Proceding. now to somewhat more concrete aspects, tibe over– all ohjective of he regulatory system may be defined as follows: to áchieve a situation in wfhich, international operators' can compete and, through eoooomically efficient operations, successfulIy satisfy the various needs of .travellers (and shippers) for fast, safe, econo– mical pnd convenient tr.ansportation. 2.4. The system should further meet the folIowing requirements: -lIt Should take its place in the polítical, tedhnical, economical and ecological environment. 54