Problemas contemporáneos de la actividad aeronáutica y del espacio

Wemer Guldimann I FREEOON AND OR OONlROL IN INTERNATIONAL CIVIL AVIATION - tJhe increasing wigJIt and influence of the developing countries and of their particular problems; - the increasing political pressures in favour of low tariffs and of clh.arter tranSlpo,rtation, due to tlhe increasing quantities and to tlhe change in compositiún of the traveling publi~; - the increasing number of sovereign States and, correspondingly, of national airlines. 1.2.4. Economically, sorne addit:i>onal factors SIhould be mentioned: - the increase in operating costs (in absolute as welI as in unit fil-: gures). fuel costs calUsing particular impact; - the persisting and worldwide rnflation~ to be considered in con· nection with, the time lag in tariff adaptatíons; - the instability and fluctuatíon of currency relations; - lihe worldwide recession of the past few years, with correspondin- gly redueed rates of traffic growth. 1.2.5. Tht: overall result, in many if not in most of the important traffic regions, hasbeen: excessive competition and ()tJer-capacity, insuffident yield and widespread unprofitabi,lity~ \ fim:artcial of the individual carriers and óf the indus– try as a whole. No wonder therefore that national governments nave become more and more protectionist in favour of their respective carriers. The change in the general attitude of the U. S. Government and the re– cent denouncÍation of the BermlUdas Agreement by the Uníted King– dom are most significant in this respecto 'J1he development oí a coordinated intern(JJtWnal Tfgwlatory s-ys– tem, based on common long-r,ange objectiyes, has certainly not been facilitated tlhereby, quite to the contrary, while at the same time increasing in urgency. 1.2.6. What is, with a high degree of probability, here to stay, and what !has to be taiken into account bynational as well as by inter– naüonal regulators, may be listed as follows: - schedulized ibulk traffic .operated by charter carríers; - !<tctíve participatíon of almost aU nations in internationalcivil air transportation; - the general principIe of a kind of national ownersh~p in the tra– ffic po,tential of a country Gchasse gardée) ; 53