Problemas contemporáneos de la actividad aeronáutica y del espacio

PROBLEMAS CONTEMPORÁNEOS DE LA ACTIVIDAD AERONÁUTICA y DEL ESPACIO 5th freedom traffic was given but a supplemental role, and caJpacity control ex post facto was provided foro Witihin this framewol1k, the carriers were giV;.en competitive free– domo ¡Jn particular, no predetermination of capacity and no equa– l'ity of benefits was required. 'It is a well known fact that the Bermuda agrer.;ment )subsequently was used as a type text for many orher bilateral agreements, aboye alI those concluded by the U.S.A. 1.2 'Later developments 1.2.1. In the fifties, non'"sdheduled traffic began its incredible de– velopment, in the first phase as holiday tr,affic between Northern and SÜ'uthfem !Europe, ScandinaviajUqited Kingdom and Spain ,in particular. The development led from occasional flights and trans– portation of affinity gwwps to inclusive tours offered to the general ipublic, from plane-Ioad tÜ' split charters, from occasional flig!hts to schedulized systems of a remarkab~e frequency and legularity, from modest numbers to tremendous quantities, which now represent a significant part of the traffic total. During the same period, scheduled carríers as welI Ibecame very active in tourist traffic and in fharter traffie. ,Witlh sorne simplification, one may say ~hat today's éharter traffic is ibased on operational systems like those of scheduled carriers, that it is offered tÜ' rhe general public not very differentIy from schedu– led transport, and that tlíe main remaining distinction is the char– terer, in its intermediate pos:tion hetween the curier and the pa– ssenger. 1.2.2. An important point to remember is the development of ca-:– rrier's equipment: from reciprocating to turbo engines, from crui– sing speeds of about 350 to nearIy 1000 kmsjhr (and on to super– sonic speeds), from Dakotas and the like to present-day widebodies and jumbos. Wlhile the beginning of the jet age was characterized hy remarkable improVlements in economics, complexity and costs have how increased and will very probaJbly continue to increase in the future. IOharter carriers took part in the development, if at first with sorne delay. 1.2.3. IP'olitically, the followin¡g: elements are of consequence: - the increasing interdependence of the parts and members of the intemational community, which has become one world in a very real sens'e;