Chile: the balanced view : a recopilation of articles about the Allende years and after

struggle is today the immediate and fundamental task of the revolutionary movement..." And Point 8 stated: "Those countries in which this task is not presented as immediate must in any case consider it as an unavoidable prospect in the development of the country's revolutionary struggle... " That same proclamation repeats that: "Guerrillas as the embryo of armies of liberation represent the most effective method of initiating and developing the revolutionary struggle in the majority of our countries... " In order that there should be no doubt whatsoever in connection with the purposes of the Havana-based organization, Article 1 of the LASO statutes provide that one of its purposes is "to support the Latin American peoples against imperialism and colonialism BY ALL MEANS WITHIN IT8 REACH, particularly those peoples ENGAGED IN ARMED STRUGGLE." It is necessary to recall that in the mind of Marxism-Leninism any government, party or movement that does not follow not only the economic doctrines of Marxism, but the circumstantial positions ofthe government controlled by Marxism-Leninism, is understood to be "imperialist" or "colonialist" , It is not surprising, therefore, that among many others, the 1967 Conference of LASO should have approved the following resolutions: . "Armed struggle is the fundamentalline; nonarmed forms should assist and no! hinder armed struggle; guerrillas are the vanguard; it is neccesary to unite political and military leadership in the revolutionary war of the majority of the countries ofthe Americas; the most important task is to organize, initiate, and develop the revolutionary war; no one may proclaim 'himself to be the vanguard; "These conditions determine the content that we m~st give to the tasks of the revolutio– nary movement in all the hemisphere. As basic orientation, all together they must all follow a common political strategy: that of attaining the sharpest forms in the class struggle and, through it, liberation. In some countriesit is translated into the developmemt and drive ofthe revolutionary war already underway; in other MINORITY CASES what is the order of the day is the consequent, unrestricted, firm, and determined aid to those already in the struggle; armed violence and preparation ofthe revolutionary movement in the country itself, to take in accordance with the circumstances, the steps necessary for armed struggle, AS AN INEVITABLE CONSEOUENCE OF ITS DEVELOPMENT IN THE REST OF THE COUNTRIES. "Development of armed struggle within each country is the most effective way in which to exercise solidarity." "The best and most efficient way in which to express solidarity with the Cuban revolution is to give full cooperation and effective support to the armed revolutionary movement in our various countries." According to the Cuban news agency, Agencia Cubana de Noticias Prensa Latina, Fidel Castro stated the following in the LASO closing address, delivered at the Chaplin Theater of Havana on August 11, 1967: "The key to Latin American revolution is guerrilla action, which must be initiated, developed, directed, and controlled from rural areas. Each country must have one single main guerrilla movement, conducted under a united leadership under guidance of a clear strategy... " And with absolute frankness he added: "A revolution within this continent is under gestation. Its birth may be delayed, but its outburst shall be unavoidable... True communist shall not allow the revolution to dwindle, because PRECISELY OUR REVOLUTION WILL NEVER CEASE TO SUPPORT TRUE LATIN AMERICAN REVOLUTIONARY MOVEMENTS... " Castro's announcément to the effect that his revolution "SHALL NEVER CEASE TO SUPPORT TRUE LATIN AMERICAN REVOLUTIONARY MOVEMENTS" has been widely confirmed in the entire hemisphere. This was eloquently shown by facts in Bolivia, with Ernesto Guevara; in Uruguay, as confirmed yesterday by the distinguished Ambassador of that country; in other nations, as we shall have an opportunity of witnessing subsequently 88