Chile: the balanced view : a recopilation of articles about the Allende years and after

The Institute of Internatlonal Studies of the University of Chile is a Depart– ment of the School of Law of said university. It is an educational and research center in the field of internatlonal relations, covering polítical, legal, economic, and historical aspects. It offers undergraduate and post-graduate programs at the University of Chile and other academic institutions. The Institute publishes in the series Estudios Internacionales books dealing with major problems ofinternational affairs. Ir also publishes the quarterly journal Estudios Internacionales. The special publications series publishes studies, papers, lectures, and other materials prepared by the academic staff of the Institute and by invited scholars. Address: Condell249. Santiago, Chile. Postal Address: P. O. Box 14187. Section 21. Santiago Cables: INTERACADEMIC. Santiago.