Chile: the balanced view : a recopilation of articles about the Allende years and after
C'harl No. 4 Producti(,n (P) or Saving. (S) in FOREIGN CURRENCY ACCORDING TO PROPOSEO DEVELOPMÉNT PROGRAM, MEASURED IN RELATION TO 1973 (mlllion. of US.) 1974 1975 197. ".,17 191a '191,' "SO Saving. (S) Productjon (P, Tou.' After198Ó 1- Coal 15(S) 15.0 15.0 60.0 2. lubricants 9(S) 9.0 9.0 3. Petroleurp (inereased prod.) 25(S) 25.0 25.0 4. Uquid gas 125(5) 125.0 125.0 5. Copper I Large-scale mining 121(P) 217(P) 257(P) 367(P) 402(P) 402.0 402.0 450.0 Medium- and small-scale miniRg 20(P) 35(P) 55(P) 105(P) 200(P) , 260(P) 370(P) 310.0 370.0 30.0 Other mineral ores (Mo. Au. Ag. etc.) 25(P) 25.0 ~5.0 6. Iron oré 36(P) 30(P) 66.0 66.0 7. Nitrate 30(P) 46(P) ,54(P) 54.0 54.0 lodine 1(P) ,3(P) 5(P) 5.0 5.0 8. Agrieulture 150(P) 306(P) (progress,ive figu re) 850(S+P) 650.0 200.0 830.0 9. Fishíng 5(P) 8(P) 12(P) 15(P) 40(P) 55.0 55.0 10. Indústries i) Forests , 1Ó(P) a) Sawed lumber 5(P) 2'()(P) 20.0 20.0 b) Short-fiber eellulose 77(P) 77.0 77.0 e) Constitución Cellulose Plánt 32.5(P) 52.5(P) 52.5 52.5 d) long-fiber eellulose 60(P) 60.0 60.0 e) Other wood prodlJets 10(P) 10.0 10:0 ¡j) Stealmaking 8.0 a) Steal plan! 13(P) 8(P) 8.0 b) Rhenium.Molybdenum 23(P) 23.0 23.0 el Drawing plant. iiil Petrochemicals q(S+P) 6.0 6.0 12.0 al Ammonia 60(PI 60.0 60.0 bl Ethylen'e 25(P) 25.0 25.0 e) Acatates 20(P) 40(PI 40.0 40.0 iv) Other industries (progressive figure) 200,S+~ 100.6 100.0 200.0 TOTAlS 930.0 1.685.5 2.588.5 640.0
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