Chile: the balanced view : a recopilation of articles about the Allende years and after

CHILE'AN SHORT ANO MEOIUM-TERM OEVELOPMENT PROGRAM(*) By RaúrSáez We have carefully examined the situation tha! faces Chile q,s a result of the actions of the former regime and have explained the measures that have been taken for economic improvement in the public sector, as well as the new currency exchange, foreign trade, and wage and price policies tha! will be pursued in order gradually to stabilize the economy. It is now absolutely necessary to examine the measures that will be taken in the productive, economic, and social service sectors in order first to overcome the country's crisis and then to begin the reconstruction and accelera!~d developmEmt of the country. For this purpose, an order of presenfation similar to the one adopted in the ICAP report will be followed -that is, the problems will be grouped under infrastructure, productive sectors, and social sectors. Certainly, we do not intend to present a detailed, exhaustive programo Rather, we shall emphasize the most salient points on investments and on the policies tha! will be pursued to achieve national goals. This program has no! been correlated with the internal or external resources that will have to be mobilized and that might be available for its implementation. Rather, it is a comprehensive list of major problems tha! urgently demand solution, A rough evaluation of these problems permits us to guarantee that. with some changes or adjustments, our program can be realized in time, (')Statement belore the Inler-American Commitlee 01 the Alliance lor Progress (CIAP), February 5, 1974. This program is no! official; however, il includes Ihe principal measures thal the counlry should lake between 1974 and 1980 and particularly between 1974 and 1978. 223