Chile: the balanced view : a recopilation of articles about the Allende years and after

already contracted. A gap remains of around $ 400 million. 4) While good project loans are also needed, the disbursement in the first year is necessarily small. But Chile certainry needs at least three program loans: (1) For agriculture (vitally important for import substitution); (2) For housing and municipal public works, which are the main weapon to absort: unemployment; (3) For maintenance and spare parts as well as raw materials for industry. Such 10ans are not a novelty; Australia in 1951, Pakistan and Bangladesh, etc, are precedents. These three program loans may amount from $ 120 million to $140 mili ion, out of whích $ 100 could be disbursed in 1974. 5) Other project loans may be contracted (a forestation, pulp and paper, fishmeal, and, let us hope, oil and electric power projects, for which the disbursement in 1974 be around 70 mili ion dollars). 6) P.L 480 maysupply $ 30 million. 7) Copper and other private foreign rnvestment, $ 100 million. 8) Finally and last but not leas!, let us hope that Venezuela may supply on a long-term loan $ 100 million to alleviate in part the burden on Chile of increased oil prices and oil deliveries from Venezuela. It is only in that way that a consistent reconstruction program can be fulfilled and the long-run promising development potential of Chile can be set in marcho We are glad to hear that in the process of solving dífficult economic program and equitable distríbutíon of harshíp will be aimed al. Let us not have torepeat again Anatole France's saying: "How great is the majesty of the law which forbids rich and poor alike to sleep under the bridges of the Seine". Since it ís easier to distribute an increase in income than to reshuffle a stagnant income, a .good reconstruction and development program are the best basis for such an income policy and for a new social contract. Apart from the economic reconstruction, Chile certainly needs moral reconstruction to heal the exacerbation and cleavages which have torn the Natíon. For this, long vision and magnanimity are needed by three partícipants: the government, the entrepreneurs and the workers. Let il not be said tha!, like the Bourbons, the Chileans never learn from experience. If magnanimity were forthcoming, social harmony -the most important but also the most diffícult goal- mighl be reeslablished and with it the "Chile Lindo" which we allloved and love slill. 221