El medio ambiente en la minería

Environmental constraints for ocean-mining Jorge Berguño En el contexto de la actividad minera y su interacción con el medio ambiente, el tema .de las actividades de explotación de recursos mineros en la Antártica, los aspectos medioambientales de la minería submarina, y algunos tratados y acuerdos que regulan la protección del medio ambiente marino, deben ser considerados por los estudios ambientales globales. The purpose of this paper is to focus on the mining activities in their interaction or effect on the marine environment. In this context, we shall review the issue of Antarctic mineral resource activities¡ the environmental aspects of deep seabed mining; and the related question on additional constrain.ts now being introduced through the means oE various international agreements on the protection of the marine environment. l. ANTARCTICA Antarctica is a continent with many unique features which have a direct bearing on any mineral exploration or exploítation. It plays a significant role in the global climate balance, it ineludes the greatest reserve of fresh water, its surrounding Oceans are made diffieult and dangerous by the presence of huge icebergs and seasonal development of the ice pack; and its surface is covered almost entirely by a permanent ice sheet. However, while on present evidence there is HUle justification for optimism concerning the mineral prospects of Antarctica, the point has been made that if there are any mineral resources there, future generations may need them and the decision whether or not to explore and develop should be theirs. There has been a certain degree of public and media mis-understanding concerning the nature of the agreement reached by the Antarctic Treaty parties witb regard to mineral resource activities in the Antarctica. It would