América Latina y Asia-Pacífico

446 ]ll/I)ICE DE TltAlIAjOS PltF.'iENTADOS EN PECC XII Ing. Esteban A. Takács. Director, Trillium Argentina and President, Center ror Forestry Research (CFEF). "Forestry, Pulp and Paper Industry". #124 PANEL 6: BRAZIL Mr. Luis Felipe Lampreia. Ministry of Foreign Affairs. "Oportunidade de Investimento no Brasil do PECC". #125 Mr. Orlando Vieira de Andrade Neto. Superintendent of New Busi– ness Development, ACOMINAS. "Metals and Metallurgy". #127 H.E. Fernando Henrique Cardoso. President of the Federative Republic of Brazíl. Keynote Address. #129 PlENARY SESSION III: CONCERTED UNILATERAL LIBERALIZATlON: A VEHIClE FOR A CONTEMPORARY APPROACH TO FREE TRADE IN THE REGION? Mr. Hadi Soesastro. INCPEC. Background paper. #130 Dr. Víctor Fung. Chairman, Hong Kong Trade Development Council, Hong Kong, China. "Concerted Unilateral Liberalization: A Vehícle ror a Contemporary Approach to Free Trade in the Regían?" #131 Mr. Tímothy Ong. ManagíngDirector, National Insurance Company Berhad of Brunei, Brunei Darussalam. "Concerted Unílateral Liberalizatíon: A Vehicle for a Contemporary Approach to Free Trade in the Region?" #132 Dr. Soogil Young. President, KIEP-The Institute for International Economic Policy, Korea. "Talking Points". #133