América Latina y Asia-Pacífico
INDlCE DE TRABAJOS PRESENTADOS EN PECC Xli BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES IN LATIN AMERICA PANEL 2: COLOMBIA Me Jorge Hernán Ochoa, Planning Manager, Ecocarbon, "Mining and Energy", #111 PANEL 3: CHILE 445 Mr. Eduardo Moyano, Vice President, Foreign Investment Committee, "Introduction to the Legal Framework for Investing in Chile", #113 Mr. Fernando Léniz, President, Chile's .\"ational Forest Product Association (CORMA), Forestly: "Chile's Economic Policy", #114 Mr. Martín Costaba!' Director, Division of Infrastructure and Other Areas-ENDESA. "Oportunidades de Inversión en Infraestructura", #116 PANEL 4: MEXICO' Me. Jesús Villaseñor. CYDSA, "Investment Opportunitíes in Mexíco: The Textile Chaín Case", #120 PANEL 5: ARGENTINA Lic, Alejandro MayoraL Undersecretary of Foreign Trade of Argen– tina. "Investment Report", # 121 De. Roberto BJoch, Private Consultant in Foreign Trade, "Bioceanic Corridors of International Commerce in the Southern Cone", #122 Mr. Enrique J. Loncan, President, Barrick Exploraciones Argentina S,A, "Mining", # 123
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