América Latina y Asia-Pacífico
444 INDlCE DE TnAllAJOS pnESF.l\'TADOS EN PECC Xli Or. He Xiurong. Vice Oean of Economic Administratíon, School of China Agricultural University, "Meat Production, Consumption and Trade in China", #94 Or. Chin-Hwa Sun, Associate Professor, Institute of Fisheries, National Taiwan Ocean University, Chinese Taipei. "ProbJems and Challenges Facing the Fishing Industry towards Free Trade and Investment in the Separate Customs Territory of Taiwan, Penghou, Kinmen and Matsu", #95 PANEL 3, GRAINS, OILSEEOS ANO SUGAR Me. Félix Bacigalupo. Chairman, IANSA S.A., Chile, "Mercado del Azúcar", #96 Mr, Ted Allen, President United Grain Growers, USA. "Grains, Oilseeds and Sugar", #97 PANEL 4, FRUlTS, VEGETABLES ANO BEVERAGES M1'. Ronald Bown, Chairman, Chilean Exporters Association. "Fruits, Vegetabies & Beverages", #101 Mr. Renato Valencia. Vice Chairman, San Miguel Corporation, Philippines. "Fruits, Vegetables and Beverages" #102 Prof. Ming-Ming Wu, Oepartmem of Agricultural Marketing, National Chungshing University, Chinese Taipei. "The Oevelopment and Future Prospect of Taiwan non-Alcohol Beverage Industry". #104
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