América Latina y Asia-Pacífico
442 INDlCE DE TRAilAJO~ PI!ESENTADOS EN PECC XII PANEL 4: FINANCIAL MARKETS, TRADE AND INVESTMENT: THE ISSUES AHEAD Mr. Yuichiro Nagatomi. Chairman, Japan FMD Committee, Japan. "One Code-Numbering Scheme for Access to Corporate Data, Ratings, and Other Financi~l Information". #78 Dr. Ray B. Dawn. Associate Research Fellow, Taiwan Institute of Economic Research-Chinese Taipei. "Global Capital Shortage and the Prospects of Saving and Investment". #80 Mr. Peter Cassidy. Head, Private Investments, AMP Australia Investments Ltd., Australia. "The Emergence of Private Capital as a Dis[inct Asset Class for Pension Funds". #81 Dr. Edward Ng. Senior Lecturer, Department of Finance and Banking National University of Singapore. "The Pace of Liberalizatíon for Emerging Economíes". #82 Mr. Jorge Marshall. Vice President, Cenrral Bank of Chile. "Fínancial Flexibility and Stability: Topics for Discussion". #83 Prof. Jean-Luc Le Bideau. Universíté París I-Sorbonne, France. "Promoting the Liberalizatíon of International Capital Movements: The Challenge Ahead". #84
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