América Latina y Asia-Pacífico

440 INDlCE DE TllAllAJOS PIlF.~Ei'trADOS EN PECC XII Dr. Andrew Threadgold. Chief Investment Officer of the AMP Group, Australia. "Conclusions & Future Directions". #61 Mr. Alfonso Saade. CEO Ecocarbon, Colombia. "Recuento de la Política Minera en Colombia". #62 FINANCIAL MARKETS DEVELOPMENT Dr. Masahiro Kawai. Institute of Socíal Science, Universüy of Tokyo, Japan. Background paper: "The Financial System and Capital Account Liberalization Perspectives on the Thai Baht Crisis". #63 Me Manuel Marfán. Undersecretary of Finance, Chile. Introductory Speech. #64 PANEL 1. THE BANKING INDUSTRY: TOWARDS A SOUND AND EFFICIENT BANKING SYSTEM Mr. Hisaya Nara. Chairman, Mitsubishi Research Institute Inc., Japan. "The Banking Industry: Towards a Sound and Efficient Banking System". #65. Mr. José Florencio Guzmán. Superintendent of Banks, Chile. "La Industria Bancaria: Hacía un Sector Bancario Sano y Eficiente". #66 MI'. Liu Mingkang. Vice Governor and Senior Economist, The State Development Bank of China. "China: Towards a Sound and Effective Banking System". #67 Mr. Jacques Pelletier. Executive Vice President, Banque Francaise du Commerce Exterieur, France. "The European Banking Regulations". #68