América Latina y Asia-Pacífico
438 INDlCE DE TIlAIlAJOS PRESENTADOS EN PECC XII MINERALS FORUM Mr. Peler Crowley. PECC Minerals Forum Coordinator, Australia. Background paper: "Asia Pacific Minerals Industry Development: Discussion Paper". #44-A Mr. J. K. Ellis. Chairman, BHP and Chairman, ICA, Australia. Introductory Speech. #44-B PANEL 1. LEGAL FRAMEWORK FOR THE MINING INDUSTRY: INVESTMENT, TAXES AND EXPLORATION Dr. James Otto. Colorado School of Mines, USA. #45 Mrs. Nelia C. Halcon. Executive Vice President, Chamber of Mines of the Philippines. "Prospects of the Mining Industry in the Pacific Economies". #46 MI'. Takahisa Yamamoto. Director, The Metal Mining Agency of Japan, Chile. "Japanese Mining Law and the Mining Industry". #47 PANEL 2. ENVIRONMENTAL CONCERNS IN THE MINING INDUSTRY Mr. Marcos Lima. Chairman and CEO, Codelco, Chile. "El Impacto de los Temas Medioambientales sobre la Industria Mi– nera". #48 Mr. Jaime Lomelin. President, International Council fOf Metals and the Environment, Mexico. "Environmental Concerns in the Mining Industry". #49 Dr. Alan Oxley. The AustraIian APEC Study Centre, Monash University. "Environmenral Restrictions on Minerals Trade". #50
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