América Latina y Asia-Pacífico

434 INDICE DE TilABAJOS PHESENTADOS EN PECC XII Mr. Koichi Haraguchi. Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, Japan. #9 Ambassador ]effrey Lang. Deputy United States Trade Representative, USA. #10 Mr. Thomas F. McLarty. Counselor to the President, Special Envoy to the Americas, United States. #11 Senator the Hon. David Brownhill. Parliamentary Secretary to tbe Minister for Trade and Minister for Primaly Industries and Energy of Australia. #12 PLENARY SESSION 1: ASIA PACIFIC'S CONTRIBUTION TO GLOBAL PROSPERITY: ACHIEVEMENTS AND CHALLENGES Dr. Mark Borthwick. Executive, Director US-PECC. Background paper "The Asia-Pacífic and the Global Economy". #13 Prof. Tommy Koh. Ambassador-at-large, Executive Director,' Asia– Eurape Foundation, Singapore. "Asia Pacífic's Contribution to Global Prosperity: Achievements and ChaJlenges". #14 Mr. Hugh Patrick. Chairman-PAFTAD and Member of PECC PacWc Economic Outlook, USA. (He presented the paper by Dr. Lawrence Krause). "Pacífíc Economic Outlook-Update 1997-99" #] 7 Hon. Philip Burdon. Chairman, Asia 2000 Foundation of New Zealand. "The Human Rights Debate in the Asia Pacífic Regíon and the Danger Economically and otherwise ornot Establishing a Constructive Dia– logue". #18