Proposiciones para una teoría de la medicina
SPILKER, B., editor. Quality ofLife Assessments in Clinical Trials. New York: Raven Press, 1990. STONE, G.c. Psychology and the health system. In: Stone, G.C.; Cohen, F.; Adler, N. E., editors. Health Psychology: A Handbook. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass; 1980: 47-75. TAYLOR, S.E. Health Psychology. New York: Random House, 1986. TORREY , E.F. La muerte de la psiquiatría. Original 1974. Barcelona: Martínez Roca, 1980. UNSCHULD, P.U. Western medicine and traditional healing systems: competi– tion, cooperation and integration? Ethics in Science and Medicine 3: 1-20; 1976. VON WEIZSACKER, V. Gesammelte Schriften. (Editado por Achilles, P., Janz, D., Schrenk, M. & von Weizsacker, C.F.) FrankfurtlM.: Suhrkamp Ver– lag, 1987/1990. WHITEHEAD, A.N. La ciencia y el mundo moderno. Buenos Aires: Losada, 1949. WILLI, J. Verstandigungsschwierigkeiten in der Arzt-Psychotherapeut– Beziehung. "Praxis der Psychotherapie und Psychosomatik". 24: 15-24; 1979. YOUNG, A. The discourse on stress and the reproduction of conventional knowledge. "Social Science and Medicine" 14B: 133-146, 1980.
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