Epistemología de las ciencias sociales: breve manual
Epistemología de las Ciencias Sociales. Breve Manual GOETZ, J.P. Y LECOMPTE, M.O. 1988. Etnografía y Diseño Cualitativo en Investigación Educativa. Cap. JI, V, VI, VII. Morata. Madrid. HOLSTEIN, J. y GUBRIUM, J. 1995. lhe Active Interview. Sage. California. KELLE, U. 1994. "Ethnographic Research and Logic 01 Discovery. Recem Developmems in Analytic Philosophy of Science and their Impact on the Debate on rhe Epistemological Foundations of Qualitative Research~. Paper presemed at the XIII World Congress 01Sociology. Bielefeld. RC 33. Sess. 14. KELLE, U. 1997. "Theory Building in Qualitative Research and Computer Programs for the Management of Textual Date." En Sociological Research Online, vo1.2, N°2. MARSHALL MAGAN, J. 1994. "Research Report: Using a Database Managemem System to Support Qualitative Research" en Social Science Computer Review, 12:1, Spring. pp. 114-121. MARSHALL, C. y ROSSMAN, G. 1995. Designíng Qualitative Research. 2° Edition. Sage. California. RODRIGUEZ-ALAMO, E. 1995. "The conílict Between Conceptual and Visual Thought and the Future of Science" en Social Science Computer Review 13:2 Summer. pp.: 207-221 VASILACHIS DE GIALDINO, IRENE. 1993. Métodos Cualitativos 1 Los problemas teóricos-epistemológicos. CEAL.N° 32 Bs. As.
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