Narrative of the surveying voyages of his majesty's ships Adventure and Beagle (vol.2): between the years 1826 and 1836 : describing their examination of the southern shores of South America, and the Beagles's circumnavigation of the globe

66 SQUALLS — SOUNDINGS CAPE FRIO. vicinity any connection with the fact ? Thinking myself that they have, I would beg the reader to bear this idea in mind, when, at another part of this narrative, the squalls so fre- quent in the dangerous archipelago of the low islands are mentioned.* March 30th. We sailed and sounded in various directions, but such irregular depths I never found elsewhere. Sudden jumps, from thirty to ten, sometimes even to four fathoms, in successive casts of the hand-lead, gave us frequent alarm ; but by keeping a boat a-head, and two leads going briskly, we avoided danger, and giving up exploring, regained before dark the safe channel which runs north and south between the Abrolhos and the main land, and steered to pass near Cape San Tome, or St, Thomas. Next day we were off that cape, but saw none of the breakers which have been so frequently reported to lie at a dangerous distance from the neighbouring shore ; although we looked out for them, and steered so as to pass the places where I was informed they would be seen. On the 3d of April, we passed Cape Frio. I wished to visit the cove in which the Lightning and Algerine lay, while recovering the treasure sunk in the unfortunate Thetis, but circumstances were unfavourable. * The Bermuda Islands (" still vexed Bennoothes") may also be thought of, as being similarl}' circumstanced.