Narrative of the surveying voyages of his majesty's ships Adventure and Beagle (vol.2): between the years 1826 and 1836 : describing their examination of the southern shores of South America, and the Beagles's circumnavigation of the globe

OF THE HUMAX RACE. 643 Castes arising from the mixture of European, Indian, and Negro. Father. Mother. Child. Colour, &c. Exiropean European Creole White. Creole Creole Creole White. White Indian Mestiso 1 white, 1 Indian, fair. Indian White Mestiso 1 white, 1 Indian. White Mestiso Creole White, often very fair. Mestiso White Creole White, rather sallow. Mestiso Mestiso Ci'eole Sallow, often light hair. White Negro Mulatto I white, ^ negro, often fair. Negro White Zambo A white, 1 negro, dark copper. White Mula to Quarteron 1 white, |- negro, fair. Mulatto White Mulatto 1 white, 1 negro, tawny. White Quarteron Quinteron ^ white, i negro, very fair. Quarteron White Quarteron § white, 1 negro, tawny. White Quinteron Creole White, light eyes, fair hair. Negro Indian Chino 1 negro, A Indian, dark. Indian Negro Chino 1 negro, | Indian. Negro Mulatto Zambo ^ negro, | white. Mulatto Negro Zambo ^ negro, | white. Negro Zambo Zambo X5- negro, Jg white. Zambo Negro Zambo ^ negro, ^ white. Negro Chino Zambo Chino J 5 negro, Jg Indian. Chino Negro Zambo Chino J negro, ^ Indian, Negro Negro Negro Black. Colours are classed according to appearances : a child receives more of the colour of the father than of the mother.* • Stevenson's South America, vol i. p. 2Sfi. 2 T 2