Narrative of the surveying voyages of his majesty's ships Adventure and Beagle (vol.2): between the years 1826 and 1836 : describing their examination of the southern shores of South America, and the Beagles's circumnavigation of the globe
EllClLLA CAt'laUES COLOCOLO. 439 Avas secured by a gate and drawbridge. Now the ditch, dug by the old Spaniards, is filled up, and the remains of their draw- bridge have disappeared, having been used probably as fuel. This was the first place assaulted by the Indians, after their grand union against the Spaniards, at the end of the sixteenth century. To relate even a part of the history of those times would be digressing too much ; but an anecdote of Colocolo and the great Caupolican may shorten our journey, and divert us for a time from mud, and rain, and wind. Ashamed at having given way to men, at first imagined to be gods, and indignant at the outrages and oppressions of their invaders, a general gathering of the Indian tribes took place near Arauco. Ercilla names sixteen caciques of renown, be- sides others of inferior fame, who assembled with their follow- ers. At the feast which followed their first consultation, great disputes arose among the rival caciques. A general was to be chosen, and each esteenried himself worthy of that high distinc- tion. Insulting words induced an appeal to arms, and desperate strife was about to commence, when Colocolo, the oldest and most respected chief, advancing hastily,* with haughty strides, exclaimed : " What madness is exciting you, Caciques! Thus eagerly to rush into a war Against the very sources of our strength To tear each other's entrails out, as beasts, And utterly forget the tyrant foe ? Turn your arms and angry blows Against those authors of your slavery, Whose shameful inroads on our fathers' land Heap infamy upon Arauco I Arauco's sons yourselves display And cast their galling yoke away. Husband every drop of blood, To mingle with a Spanish flood!" Having gained attention and temporary silence, the Arau- canian Nestor continued an eloquent address to the angry * Ercilla, canto ii.
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