Narrative of the surveying voyages of his majesty's ships Adventure and Beagle (vol.2): between the years 1826 and 1836 : describing their examination of the southern shores of South America, and the Beagles's circumnavigation of the globe

20 PERSONS ON BOARD OHANOES. Alexander Burns Usborne Master's Assistant. Charles Musters Volunteer 1 st Class. Jonathan May Carpenter. Edward H. Hellyer Clerk. Acting boatswain : sergeant of marines and seven privates : thirty- four seamen and six boys. On the List of supernumeraries were Charles Darwin Naturalist. Augustus Earle Draughtsman. George James Stebbing Instrument Maker. Richard Matthews and three Fuegians : my own steward : and Mr. Darsvin's servant. Some changes occurred in the course of the five years' voy- age, which it may be well to mention in this place. In April 1832, Mr. Mac-Cormick and Mr. Derbishire returned to England. Mr. Bynoe was appointed to act as Surgeon. Mr. Mellersh received a Mate's warrant ; and Mr. Johnson joined the Beagle as Midshipman. In May Mr. Musters fell a victim to fever, caught in the harbour of Rio de Janeiro: — Mr. Forsyth took his place. Mr. Earle suffered so much from continual ill health, that he could not remain on board the Beagle after August 1832 ; but he lived at Monte Video several months previtjusly to his return to England. The disappointment caused by losing his services was diminished by meeting Mr Martens at Monte Video, and engaging him to embark with me as my draughts- man. In March 1833, Mr. Hellyer was drowned at the Falkland Islands, in attempting to get a bird he had shot. In September 1833, Mr. Kent joined as Assistant Surgeon. In June 1834, Mr. Rowlett died, at sea, of a complaint under which he had laboured for years : and the vacancy caused by his lamented decease was filled by Mr. Dring. Mr. Martens left me, at Valparasio, in 1834 ; and Mr. King remained with his father, at Sydney, in Australia, in February 1836. After these changes, and at our return to England in October 1836, the list stood thus