Narrative of the surveying voyages of his majesty's ships Adventure and Beagle (vol.2): between the years 1826 and 1836 : describing their examination of the southern shores of South America, and the Beagles's circumnavigation of the globe

PERSONS ON BOARD. 19 extremely fond of geology, and indeed all branches of natural history. In consequence an offer was made to Mr. Darwin to be my guest on board, which he accepted conditionally ; per- mission was obtained for his embarkation, and an order given by the Admiralty that he should be borne on the ship's books for provisions. The conditions asked by Mr. Dai win were, that he should be at liberty to leave the Beagle and retire from the Expedition when he thought proper, and that he should pay a fair share of the expenses of my table. Knowing well that no one actively engaged in the surveying duties on which we were going to be employed, would have time — even if he had ability — to make much use of the pencil, I engaged an artist, Mr. Augustvis Earle, to go out in a private capacity ; though not without the sanction of the Admiralty, who authorized him also to be victualled. And in order to secure the constant, yet to a certain degree mechanical attend- ance required by a large number of chronometers, and to be enabled to repair our instruments and keep them in order, I en- gaged the services of Mr. George James Stebbing, eldest son of the mathematical instrument-maker at Portsmouth, as a private assistant. The established complement of officers and men (including marines and boys) was sixty-five : but, with the supernumera- ries I have mentioned, we had on board, when the Beagle sailed from England, seventy-four persons, namely : Robert Fitz-Roy Commander and Surveyor. John Clements Wickham Lieutenant. Bartholomew James Sulivan Lieutenant. Edward Main Chaffers Master. Robert Mac-Cormick Sursreon George Rowlett Purser. Alexander Derbishire Mate Peter Benson Stewart Mate. John Lort Stokes Mate and Assistant Surveyor. Benjamin Bynoe Assistant Surgeon. Arthur Mellersh Midshipman Philip Gidley King Midshipman c 2