Narrative of the surveying voyages of his majesty's ships Adventure and Beagle (vol.2): between the years 1826 and 1836 : describing their examination of the southern shores of South America, and the Beagles's circumnavigation of the globe
14 LETTER MR. WIT,SOX. 1831. my plan, went to the Admiralty, and soon afterwards told me that I should be appointed to the command of the Chanticleer, to go to Tierra del Fuego. My agreement with the owner of the John was, however, in full force, and I could not alter it without paying a large proportion of the whole sum agreed on for the voyage. The Chanticleer was not, upon examination, found quite fit for service ; and, instead of her, I was again appointed to my well-tried little vessel, the Beagle. My commission was dated the 27th of June, and on the same day two of my most esteemed friends. Lieutenants Wickham and Sulivan, were also appointed. While the Beagle was fitting out at Devonport, I received the foUowins: letter from Mr. Wilson. » " Sir, Walthamstow, 5th Aug. 1831. " I am informed that the Fuegians who have been lately resident in this place are shortly to return to their native country under your care. Will you permit me to ask whether, if two individuals should volunteer to accompany and remain with them, in order to attempt to teach them such useful arts as may be thought suited to their gradual civilization, you will give them a passage in the Beagle .'' and whether, upon your arrival on the coast of Tierra del Fuego, you will be able to give them some assistance in establishing a friendly intercourse with, and settlement amongst the natives of that country ? Would these individuals be required to pay you for their pas- sage, and maintenance on board ? or would his Majesty's Government allow them to be maintained on board at the public expense .'' Do you think that you would be able to visit them, after their first settlement, supposing so desirable an object should be attained, in order to give them some encou- ragement, and perhaps assistance ; or to remove them if they should find it impracticable to continue their residence among the natives ?
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