Narrative of the surveying voyages of his majesty's ships Adventure and Beagle (vol.2): between the years 1826 and 1836 : describing their examination of the southern shores of South America, and the Beagles's circumnavigation of the globe

1833. MK. STOKES's PARTY. 315 August,* Mr. Stokes and his party were most zealously occu- pied between the Negro and Blanco Bay ; but time was too fully occupied in the uninteresting, though useful works, of sounding, measuring, observing, and chart-making, to admit of many notices of the country being obtained in addition to those already mentioned ; indeed the nature of the coast, almost flat, uninhabited, without trees, and fronted by extensive sand- banks, precluded the possibility of acquiring much information not of a technical nature. * Already mentioned, p. 288.