Narrative of the surveying voyages of his majesty's ships Adventure and Beagle (vol.2): between the years 1826 and 1836 : describing their examination of the southern shores of South America, and the Beagles's circumnavigation of the globe

294 CAUTION — MONTE VIDEO. Oct. — Dec.1833. island, at any time while our party was there, was an old Monte Video (Banda Oriental) ensign, which belonged to the schooner when I bought her from Mr. Low. This incident, trifling as it is, may be worth notice, as showing how necessary it is to be more circumspect and explanatory in every dealing with a small State, tlian in similar transactions with the Authorities of old established governments. The month of November was passed at Monte Video : lay- ing down chart- work, computing observations, and writing procuring and stowing provisions ; painting the vessels outside and blacking their rigging ; and occasionally giving the crews leave to go ashore. Mr. Darwin returned at the end of the month; and the first week in December both vessels sailed from the river : but before I go on with them to Tierra del Fuego and the Falklands, some pages shall be devoted to the proceedings of our enterprizing and hard-working labourers, who were employed so zealously during twelve months without intermission, in the little vessels Paz and Liebre. y copias inclusas que S. E. el Sr. D. Francisco Llambi, Ministro Secre- tario de Negocios Extrangeros le hiz6 el honor de dirigirle en 22 del corriente ; y el infrascripto se halla autorizado para decir que ni el 3 de Octubre, de 1833, ni otro dia alguno del presente aiio se ha enarbolado o desplegado en la Isla de Gorriti la Bandera de la nacion Britanica. EI 3 de Octubre de 1833, y muchos dias anteriores, la de este Estado fu& izada como un senal para D. Francisco Aguilar, avisandole que se iva a embiar un bote en busca de came y comestibles. La casa de madera con vidriera que se dice ser habitada por el comandante, es un observatorio portatil hecho en Inglaterra, que ahora se halla en la Isla de Ratas de este Puerto ; y ninguno de los edificios de la Isla de Gorriti, ha sido repa- rado por persona alguna bajo las drdenes del Comandante Fitz-Roy : lo que el abajo firmado comunica a SE. saludandole con su particular consi- deracion y aprecio. (Firmado) " Tomas Samuel Hood."