Narrative of the surveying voyages of his majesty's ships Adventure and Beagle (vol.2): between the years 1826 and 1836 : describing their examination of the southern shores of South America, and the Beagles's circumnavigation of the globe

1833. ABSUllU REPORTS FLAG. 298 taken possession of the island of Gorriti, and built houses upon it. This, I knew, must in some way have arisen out of the temporary encampment of the Adventure's crew ; and en- quiring further, I found that columns of the Monte Video newspapers had been filled with discussions on the subject.* The local authorities at Maldonado having been told (incorrectly) that the English had hoisted British colours upon the island had repaired several old buildings — and had erected a house with glass windows, for the commanding officer's residence became alarmed ; and as stories seldom lose by repetition, the good people of Monte Video were soon in commotion. How- ever, the affair was easily explained ; but not without many a laugh at the absurdity of my little observatory (made of ninety small pieces of wood, so as to be stowed in a boat), hav- ing ' loomed' so large. Had our colours ever been displayed on shore, there might have been some foundation for their alarm ; but it so happened that the only flag that was on the « Monte Video, Octubre22 del833, *" El infrascripto Ministro Secretario de Estado en el departamentode Relaciones Exteriores, tiene orden del Gobierno para dirigirse al Sr. Consul General de S.M.B. y manifestarle, que a consecuencia de varies sucesos que han tenido lugar en la Isla de Gorriti, donde se halla la tri- pulacion de la Escuna de S.M. Adventure, los cuales constau de los documentos que en copia autorizada se acompauan ; y deseoso el Gobi- erno de satisfacer la ansiedad publica que han producido aquellos sucesos, y quitar todo pretexto de interpretaciones, espera que el Sr. Consul tendra a bien manifestarle los motivos que dieron merito a que los individuos pertenecientes a aquel Buque pasasen a la Isla, como igualmente las cau- sales de su permanencia en ella. " El Ministro que subscribe reitera al Sr. Cdnsul General de S.M.B. los sentimientos de su mayor consideracion y aprecio. (Firmado) " Francisco Llambi." " Monte Video, Octubre 28 de 1803. " El abajo firmado Consul General de S.M.B. cerca de la Repiiblica Oriental del Uruguay ha tenido el honor de transmitir al Sr. Fitz-Roy, comandante de la barca descubridora de S.M.B. Beagle, la comunicacion y copias