Narrative of the surveying voyages of his majesty's ships Adventure and Beagle (vol.2): between the years 1826 and 1836 : describing their examination of the southern shores of South America, and the Beagles's circumnavigation of the globe
234 FALKLAND ISLANDS. establishment on the spot where the present settlement stands, and forthwith disembarked to commence the laborious under- taking of founding a colony. In the year 1764, a squadron was sent to the South Seas by George Til., in whose instructions, dated June 17th, 1764, it is said, " And whereas his Majesty's islands, called Pepys Island and Falkland Islands, lying within the said track," (the track between the Cape of Good Hope and the Strait of Magalhaens), " notwithstanding their having been first disco- vered and visited by British navigators, have never yet been so sufficiently surveyed, as that an accurate judgment may be formed of their coasts and product, his Majesty, taking the premises into consideration, and conceiving no junction so pro- per for enterprises of this nature as a time of profound peace, which his kingdoms at present happily enjoy, has thought fit that it should now be undertaken." On the 23d January 1765, Commodore Byron went on shore at these islands, with the captains and principal officers of his squadron, " when the Union Jack being erected on a hio-h staff, and spread, the commodore took possession of the harbour and all the neighbouring islands for his Majesty King George III., his heirs, and successors, by the name of Falkland Islands. When the colours were spread, a salute was fired from the ship." In consequence of Byron's favourable report, Captain Mac- bride was sent out in H.M.S. Jason to begin their colonization. He arrived in January 1766. Spain, hearing of the French settlement, immediately laid claim to the islands, as forming a part of her American posses- sions ; and France, influenced by various considerations, agreed to deliver up to Spain her newly-formed colony, upon condi- tion that the projectors and colonists should be indemnified for their losses : an agreement honourably fulfilled by Spain. On the 1st of April 1767, De Bougainville gave up posses- sion to the Spanish officer appointed to take charge ; the stan- dard of Spain was hoisted, and royal salutes fired by the ves-
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