Narrative of the surveying voyages of his majesty's ships Adventure and Beagle (vol.2): between the years 1826 and 1836 : describing their examination of the southern shores of South America, and the Beagles's circumnavigation of the globe

110 DECISION RESPONSIBILITY. Sept. alarming to contemplate. I might run along the outer line of danger in the Beagle, and connect it with the soundings in the offing ; but how could an English ship surveying a fre- quented coast overlook six large ports,* only because their examination required time, and was dangerous ? At last, after much anxious deliberation, I decided to hire two small schooners — or rather decked boats, schooner-rigged — from Mr. Harris, and employ them in assisting the Beagle and her boats. Mr. ' Harris was to be in the larger, as pilot to Lieutenant Wick- ham — and his friend Mr. Roberts, also settled at Del Carmen, on the river Negro, was to be Mr. Stokes's pilot in the smaller vessel. These small craft, of fifteen and nine tons respec- tively, guided by their owners, who had for years frequented this complication of banks, harbours, and tides, seemed to me capable of fulfilling the desired object — under command of such steady and able heads as the officers mentioned — with this great advantage ; that, while the Beagle might be procur- ing supplies at Monte Video, going with the Fuegians on her first trip to the southward, and visiting the Falkland islands, the survey of all those intricacies between Blanco Bay and San Bias might be carried on steadily during the finest time of year. One serious difficulty, that of my not being autho- rized to hire or purchase assistance on account of the Govern- ment, I did not then dwell upon, for I was anxious and eager, and, it has proved, too sanguine. I made an agree- ment with Mr. Harris, -j- on my own individual responsibility, for such payment as seemed to be fair compensation for his stipulated services, and I did hope that if the results of these arrangements should turn out well, I should stand excused for having presumed to act so freely, and should be reim- bursed for the sum laid out, which I could so ill spare. However, I foresaw and was willing to run the risk, and now console myself for this, and other subsequent mortifications, by the reflection that the service entrusted to me did not suffer. • Blanco Bay and Port Belgrano, False Bay, Green Bay, Brightman Inlet, Union Bay, and San Bias Bay. t See Appendix.