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General program
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Table of contents
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Extended abstracts
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Evidence of 1949 earthquake co-seismic ruptures in western Tierra del Fuego, Chile
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Hydrogeological conceptualization of rock aquifers based on geophysical and drilling data as insight for subsurface exploration of the San Ramón thrust fault in Santiago, Chile
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Assessing Late Quaternary shortening related to footwall splays at the southern section of Las Peñas thrust system, southern Precordillera, Argentina
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Application of LiDAR and SfM techniques in the mapping of potentially active faults in Guerrero, Mexico
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Paleoseismic investigation of the Marquesado Fault in San Juan (27-33.5°S), eastern Precordillera, Argentina
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Lithological control of the active Mejillones Fault from Triassic to Quaternary, northern Chile
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Challenges of paleoseismological analysis of strike-slip Yeongdong Fault in a slowly deforming regions (the central part of Korean Peninsula)
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Offshore investigation of neotectonic faults in an intraplate area, between the Norman coast and the Channel Islands
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Overview of the environmental effects during the M7.5 Noto Peninsula earthquake (1/1/2024)
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Curved slickenlines record rupture directivity of paleoearthquakes on the Alpine Fault, New Zealand
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Surface rupture of historical earthquake(s) at the front of the Chandra Bagh, eastern Nepal
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The challenge of estimating the hazard from distributed earthquake surface ruptures: dip slip faults
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Quaternary crustal deformation and seismic hazard associated with the San Ramón Fault in the foothills of Pirque (~33.5ºS)
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Multidisciplinary approach to investigate "hidden" seismic hazard source: The case of NE-SW Sibari fault zone in lonian northern Calabria (Italy)
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Geologic evidence of the largest historical tsunami of Metropolitan Chile constrains tsunami hazard in the country´s most populated coast
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Tectonic geomorphology and Holocene uplift rates of the Lae Urban Area, Papua New Guinea
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Cartography of the Porotoyacu Fault in a southern section of the Ecuadorian Amazon
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Analysis of soft-sediment deformation structures in the Tena Formation - Oriente basin of Ecuador: paleoseismologic implications
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Effects of syntectonic sedimentary loading on the evolution of an orogenic border: Analog modeling applied to the Quaternary activity of the Pocuro Fault System, Chilean Andes (32.5ºS)
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Some comments on the morpho-stratigraphic signature of Quaternary thrusting
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Preliminary plate boundary normal fault ruptures and real time graben formation in Grindavík,Iceland
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Electrical resistivity tomography imaging of the Motagua Fault along the 1976 earthquake rupture in Guatemala
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Surface and subsurface exploration of the San Ramón thrust fault in Santiago at the western foot of the Andes
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Mid-crustal earthquakes and their relation to faults under the Bolivian Orocline
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Late Cenozoic tectonic evolution of the terrain and fluvial systems in the area of Novohradské hory Mts. (Bohemian Massif, Czechia, central Europe): multidisciplinary approach
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Geological record of Holocene tsunami deposits in Carrizal Bajo wetland (~28ºS), Atacama Desert, Chile
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Preliminary seismic and structural controls of late Quaternary landslide distribution in the Dalvik Lineament, north Iceland
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Unravelling repeated abandonment and new settlements in the Upper Colca Region (Peru) - archaeoseismological study
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Exploring the seismic history of crustal faults in the Colca Region
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Uplift and neotectonic development of the Puente Hills in Los Angeles, Riverside and Orange counties, southern California
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Paleoseismology of the Atacama Fault System: tracing the relationship between subduction earthquake and upper plate faulting
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Frictional properties and deformation mechanisms of upperplate faults reactivation triggered by subduction earthquakes: insights from the Atacama Fault System
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Unraveling the microseismicity activity of the Puerto Aldea Fault: Seismic hazard assessment along coastal La Serena-Tongoy, northern Chile (preliminary results)
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Large earthquake recurrence in the Snowy Monaro region: first dated Holocene rupture and strike-slip fault evidence for Australia
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Characterization of the structural geology and damage zone of the San Ramón Fault
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Un-earthing fault-rupture slickenlines: testing a new method to excavate and document paleo slickenlines on active faults
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A preliminary study on the slip rate and seismic history of a part of the Yangsan Fault, SE Korea
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Earthquake damage controlling factors and hazard assessment
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Repeatibility of the 20th century earthquake cluster in Mongolia: paleoseismology along the Tsetserleg Fault (Mongolia)
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Paleoseismic characterization of the Buffalo Valley Fault, central Basin and Range, Nevada, USA
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Combining geological and archaeological evidence to infer the recent tectonics of the Montagne du Vuache Fault, Jura Mountains, France
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Paleoseismic event dates and paleoslips following river avulsion at the Marble Hill site, Alpine Fault, South Island, New Zealand
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Paleoseismological study of the Porotoyacu Fault in the Amazon Ecuadorian piedmont
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Paleoearthquakes modeling and effects on uncertainties on probability assessment of next fault ruptures: the case of central Italy surface faulting earthquakes
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Probability of earthquake surface rupture on principal fault: an analytical approach
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Review of three-decade research on lacustrine seismites in the Dead Sea Basin
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Paleoseismology of West Caspian Fault (Azerbaijan) and active faulting in an over-pressured sedimentary basin
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Predicting distributed fault displacements at Forsmark Nuclear Waste Repository, Sweden: rock mechanics approach vs geologic-empirical approach
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Reconstructing megathrust rupture variability during the past ~800 years using a transect of lacustrine sedimentary records in south-central Chile
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Neotectonic overview of the Arzew Salline fault-related fold in NW Algeria: evidence of active tectonics through field observations and geomorphology
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First paleoseismic evidence of late Upper Pleistocene activity of the Palomares Fault, SE Iberia
338 |
Linking tsunami deposits, landlevel changes and seismo-turbidite archives in lake sediments from Chiloé Island, south-central Chile
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Documenting the surface rupture of the 06 February 2023 Elbistan (Kahramanmaras) earthquake (Türkiye): the European Earthquake Geology Task Force (EuQuaGe)
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Revealing the potential for highmagnitude earthquakes: Tsunami deposits as indicator in the Guerrero Seismic Gap, Mexico
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Landslide susceptibility associated with the San Ramón Fault, Santiago Andean foothills
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Neotectonics and paleoseismicity in intraplate low seismicity settings of central Europe (Germany)
430 |
Assessment of neotectonic deformation through morphometric analysis: a case study in La Rinconada, Argentina
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Can the Mariana subduction complex generate M9 class megathrust events? Testing the classic Uyeda and Kanamori subduction zone model in Guam
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Ecological evidence of sudden coastal level changes associated to historical Metropolitan Chile earthquakes
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Ancient earthquakes in the Iberian Peninsula: from the Middle Ages to Neolithic times
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Variability of late Cenozoic activity along-strike the Mariánské Lázne Fault (Bohemian Massif, Czech Republic)
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Late Pleistocene transpression of the Königssee-Lammertal-Traunsee Fault inferred from caves deformation (European Eastern Alps)
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Late Pleistocene surface
fault rupture in the slowly-deforming Podhale Basin (western Carpathians): implications for paleoseismology and geodynamics
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First estimate of the long-term fault displacement and slip rates of the Anghiari normal fault (northern Apennines, Italy)
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M. Cisternas, B. Valero-Garcés The 600 yr Laguna Lo Encañado paleoseismic archive: a shaking record for Santiago de Chile
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Paleoseismic evidence of active faulting and landslide events in Liquiñe-Ofqui Fault System: insights from the 2007 Aysén earthquake sequence
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Landslide and tsunami risks mitigation in coastal urban areas: a case of study in Coronel (37ºS, Chile) using analogue modelling
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A long lacustrine sedimentary record of 1960-like earthquakes in south-central Chile
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Detailed program
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