Proceedings of the 12th International INQUA meeting on paleoseismology, active tectonic and archaeoseismology

Preface 4
Committees 8
General program 10
Table of contents 12
Extended abstracts 18
Evidence of 1949 earthquake co-seismic ruptures in western Tierra del Fuego, Chile 20
Hydrogeological conceptualization of rock aquifers based on geophysical and drilling data as insight for subsurface exploration of the San Ramón thrust fault in Santiago, Chile 26
Assessing Late Quaternary shortening related to footwall splays at the southern section of Las Peñas thrust system, southern Precordillera, Argentina 30
Application of LiDAR and SfM techniques in the mapping of potentially active faults in Guerrero, Mexico 36
Paleoseismic investigation of the Marquesado Fault in San Juan (27-33.5°S), eastern Precordillera, Argentina 40
Lithological control of the active Mejillones Fault from Triassic to Quaternary, northern Chile 48
Challenges of paleoseismological analysis of strike-slip Yeongdong Fault in a slowly deforming regions (the central part of Korean Peninsula) 52
Offshore investigation of neotectonic faults in an intraplate area, between the Norman coast and the Channel Islands 62
Overview of the environmental effects during the M7.5 Noto Peninsula earthquake (1/1/2024) 68
Curved slickenlines record rupture directivity of paleoearthquakes on the Alpine Fault, New Zealand 74
Surface rupture of historical earthquake(s) at the front of the Chandra Bagh, eastern Nepal 80
The challenge of estimating the hazard from distributed earthquake surface ruptures: dip slip faults 86
Quaternary crustal deformation and seismic hazard associated with the San Ramón Fault in the foothills of Pirque (~33.5ºS) 92
Multidisciplinary approach to investigate "hidden" seismic hazard source: The case of NE-SW Sibari fault zone in lonian northern Calabria (Italy) 98
Geologic evidence of the largest historical tsunami of Metropolitan Chile constrains tsunami hazard in the country´s most populated coast 104
Tectonic geomorphology and Holocene uplift rates of the Lae Urban Area, Papua New Guinea 110
Cartography of the Porotoyacu Fault in a southern section of the Ecuadorian Amazon 116
Analysis of soft-sediment deformation structures in the Tena Formation - Oriente basin of Ecuador: paleoseismologic implications 124
Effects of syntectonic sedimentary loading on the evolution of an orogenic border: Analog modeling applied to the Quaternary activity of the Pocuro Fault System, Chilean Andes (32.5ºS) 132
Some comments on the morpho-stratigraphic signature of Quaternary thrusting 138
Preliminary plate boundary normal fault ruptures and real time graben formation in Grindavík,Iceland 142
Electrical resistivity tomography imaging of the Motagua Fault along the 1976 earthquake rupture in Guatemala 146
Surface and subsurface exploration of the San Ramón thrust fault in Santiago at the western foot of the Andes 152
Mid-crustal earthquakes and their relation to faults under the Bolivian Orocline 158
Late Cenozoic tectonic evolution of the terrain and fluvial systems in the area of Novohradské hory Mts. (Bohemian Massif, Czechia, central Europe): multidisciplinary approach 166
Geological record of Holocene tsunami deposits in Carrizal Bajo wetland (~28ºS), Atacama Desert, Chile 176
Preliminary seismic and structural controls of late Quaternary landslide distribution in the Dalvik Lineament, north Iceland 180
Unravelling repeated abandonment and new settlements in the Upper Colca Region (Peru) - archaeoseismological study 186
Exploring the seismic history of crustal faults in the Colca Region 192
Uplift and neotectonic development of the Puente Hills in Los Angeles, Riverside and Orange counties, southern California 198
Paleoseismology of the Atacama Fault System: tracing the relationship between subduction earthquake and upper plate faulting 208
Frictional properties and deformation mechanisms of upperplate faults reactivation triggered by subduction earthquakes: insights from the Atacama Fault System 216
Unraveling the microseismicity activity of the Puerto Aldea Fault: Seismic hazard assessment along coastal La Serena-Tongoy, northern Chile (preliminary results) 224
Large earthquake recurrence in the Snowy Monaro region: first dated Holocene rupture and strike-slip fault evidence for Australia 230
Characterization of the structural geology and damage zone of the San Ramón Fault 238
Un-earthing fault-rupture slickenlines: testing a new method to excavate and document paleo slickenlines on active faults 244
A preliminary study on the slip rate and seismic history of a part of the Yangsan Fault, SE Korea 250
Earthquake damage controlling factors and hazard assessment 256
Repeatibility of the 20th century earthquake cluster in Mongolia: paleoseismology along the Tsetserleg Fault (Mongolia) 262
Paleoseismic characterization of the Buffalo Valley Fault, central Basin and Range, Nevada, USA 266
Combining geological and archaeological evidence to infer the recent tectonics of the Montagne du Vuache Fault, Jura Mountains, France 274
Paleoseismic event dates and paleoslips following river avulsion at the Marble Hill site, Alpine Fault, South Island, New Zealand 280
Paleoseismological study of the Porotoyacu Fault in the Amazon Ecuadorian piedmont 288
Paleoearthquakes modeling and effects on uncertainties on probability assessment of next fault ruptures: the case of central Italy surface faulting earthquakes 24
Probability of earthquake surface rupture on principal fault: an analytical approach 300
Review of three-decade research on lacustrine seismites in the Dead Sea Basin 306
Paleoseismology of West Caspian Fault (Azerbaijan) and active faulting in an over-pressured sedimentary basin 310
Predicting distributed fault displacements at Forsmark Nuclear Waste Repository, Sweden: rock mechanics approach vs geologic-empirical approach 318
Reconstructing megathrust rupture variability during the past ~800 years using a transect of lacustrine sedimentary records in south-central Chile 326
Neotectonic overview of the Arzew Salline fault-related fold in NW Algeria: evidence of active tectonics through field observations and geomorphology 332
First paleoseismic evidence of late Upper Pleistocene activity of the Palomares Fault, SE Iberia 338
Linking tsunami deposits, landlevel changes and seismo-turbidite archives in lake sediments from Chiloé Island, south-central Chile 344
Documenting the surface rupture of the 06 February 2023 Elbistan (Kahramanmaras) earthquake (Türkiye): the European Earthquake Geology Task Force (EuQuaGe) 410
Revealing the potential for highmagnitude earthquakes: Tsunami deposits as indicator in the Guerrero Seismic Gap, Mexico 416
Landslide susceptibility associated with the San Ramón Fault, Santiago Andean foothills 422
Neotectonics and paleoseismicity in intraplate low seismicity settings of central Europe (Germany) 430
Assessment of neotectonic deformation through morphometric analysis: a case study in La Rinconada, Argentina 436
Can the Mariana subduction complex generate M9 class megathrust events? Testing the classic Uyeda and Kanamori subduction zone model in Guam 440
Ecological evidence of sudden coastal level changes associated to historical Metropolitan Chile earthquakes 446
Ancient earthquakes in the Iberian Peninsula: from the Middle Ages to Neolithic times 448
Variability of late Cenozoic activity along-strike the Mariánské Lázne Fault (Bohemian Massif, Czech Republic) 456
Late Pleistocene transpression of the Königssee-Lammertal-Traunsee Fault inferred from caves deformation (European Eastern Alps) 464
Late Pleistocene surface fault rupture in the slowly-deforming Podhale Basin (western Carpathians): implications for paleoseismology and geodynamics 468
First estimate of the long-term fault displacement and slip rates of the Anghiari normal fault (northern Apennines, Italy) 474
M. Cisternas, B. Valero-Garcés The 600 yr Laguna Lo Encañado paleoseismic archive: a shaking record for Santiago de Chile 480
Paleoseismic evidence of active faulting and landslide events in Liquiñe-Ofqui Fault System: insights from the 2007 Aysén earthquake sequence 484
Landslide and tsunami risks mitigation in coastal urban areas: a case of study in Coronel (37ºS, Chile) using analogue modelling 492
A long lacustrine sedimentary record of 1960-like earthquakes in south-central Chile 500
Detailed program 508