Proceedings of the 12th International INQUA meeting on paleoseismology, active tectonic and archaeoseismology
96 PATA Days 2024 Easton Vargas, G., Boroschek Krauskopf, R., Rebolledo Lemus, S., Inzulza Contardo, J., Ejsmentewicz Cáceres, D., Vergara Saavedra, P., & Giesen, E. (2022). Policy brief: The San Ramón Fault and the sustainability of the Santiago foothills: recommendations for public policy. Available at https:// handle/2250/183864. Hanks, T.C., & Kanamori, H. (1979). A moment magnitude scale. Journal of Geophysical Research, 84, 2348-2350. Naranjo, J. A., & Varela, J. (1996). Debris and mud flows affecting the eastern sector of Santiago on May 3, 1993 (No. 47). National Geology and Mining Service. National Statistics Institute (2017). 2017 Census. Santiago, Chile. Rauld, R. (2002). Morphostructural analysis of the eastern mountain front of Santiago, between the Mapocho River and the Macul Ravine. (Undergraduate thesis). University of Chile, Santiago. Vargas, G., Klinger, Y., Rockwell, T. K., Forman, S. L., Rebolledo, S., Baize, S., Lacassin, R & Armijo, R. (2014). Probing large intraplate earthquakes at the west flank of the Andes. Geology, 42 (12), 1083-1086. R E F E R E N C E S Ammirati, J. B., Vargas, G., Rebolledo, S., Abrahami, R., Potin, B., Leyton, F., & Ruiz, S. (2019). The Crustal Seismicity of the Western Andean Thrust (Central Chile, 33°–34° S): Implications for Regional Tectonics and Seismic Hazard in the Santiago Area. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 109(5), 1985-1999. Armijo, R., Rauld, R., Thiele, R., Vargas, G., Campos, J., Lacassin, R., & Kausel, E. (2010). The West Andean thrust, the San Ramon fault, and the seismic hazard for Santiago, Chile. Tectonics, 29(2). Aránguiz, T. (2018).Historiographical evolution of Santiago's exposure to the seismic threat of the San Ramón Fault and its possible relationship with the earthquake of May 13, 1647 (Undergraduate thesis). University of Chile, Santiago. Boncio, P., Liberi, F., Caldarella, M., & Nurminen, F. C. (2018). Width earthquake fault zoning. Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 18(1), 241-256. Easton, G., Inzulza Contardo, J., Pérez Tello, S., Ejsmentewicz Cáceres, D. & Jiménez Yáñez, C. (2018). ¿Urbanización fallada? La Falla San Ramón como nuevo escenario de riesgo sísmico y la sostenibilidad de Santiago, Chile, Revista de Urbanismo, 38, 1-20, 5051.2018.48216.
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