Proceedings of the 12th International INQUA meeting on paleoseismology, active tectonic and archaeoseismology

The largest uplift values, exceeding 2 meters in two areas around Kaiso – Kai- and Nagahashimachi -Nag- ports (GSI, 2024), led to the definitive emergence of several fish ports, like that of Kaiso that has been upthrown by ~4 meters (Figure 4). General background is prone to gravitational effects: geology is dominated by poorly compacted and lithified layers from the Miocene, albeit several stiff lava layers, and slopes are steep in a context of rapid long-term uplift (see Ota and Hirakawa; 1979). Most of the landslides are short (<100 m) and occurred within two clusters ~10-km distant from the epicentre (Gomez, 2024). Short extent landslides and rockfalls severely impacted the inland main road Kanazawa- Wajima, still partially blocked 4 months after the event. In the field, we could also observe two deep-seated cases, even farther, in Ichinosemachi (Wajima) and Kanmachi (Noto); they caused severe damages to dwellings (Figure 5). Alluvial valleys in the NP experienced extensive liquefaction, which was responsible locally of dramatic collapse of multi- storey building in Wajima. In addition, a remarkable liquefaction Fig. 4: (left) The Kaiso port uplift is evidenced bu the emergence of the wall incrusted by oysters before the earthquake. Fig. 5: (right) A huge deep-seated landslide south of Wajima (Ich site), with a length exceeding 1 kilometer. Fig. 6: Nearby Kanazawa, 80 km from the epicenter, the coastal dune slope toe was affected by liquefaction and related lateral spreading, and imposing severe damage to dwellings and infrastructure.