Proceedings of the 12th International INQUA meeting on paleoseismology, active tectonic and archaeoseismology
504 PATA Days 2024 Continued analysis (radiocarbon, short-lived radio- nuclides, and tephra identification) in the coming months will result in more robust age-depth models for the short as well as the long sediment cores. This will not only allow us to attribute an age to each of these turbidites and verify the actual temporal length of the retrieved records but will also enable more reliable correlations with other long paleoseismic records in the region. Such inter- record correlations would subsequently allow verification of the interpretation that the Lago Rupanco sedimentary record indeed holds invaluable evidence for 1960-like full-segment ruptures along the Valdivia segment of the Chilean subduction zone. C O N C L U S I O N S Analysis of the recent sedimentation history in Lago Rupanco showed that all historically described megathrust earthquakes in the region resulted in the deposition of a turbidite on the lake floor. Moreover, preliminary description of two long sediment cores (8 and 12 m) allowed us to identify over 20 thick (>5 cm) turbidites. This tentatively shows that Lago Rupanco holds an invaluable record of local high-intensity 1960-like shaking along the Valdivia segment of the Chilean subduction zone, likely covering the last 6,000 years. Thanks to this new lacustrine sedimentary shaking record, we can better asses the recurrence rate (and its potential variability) of such giant earthquakes through time, allowing for more accurate future seismic hazard assessments. A C K N O W L E D G E M E N T S This research was funded by the Austrian Science Fund (FWF) project P34504 and the Research Foundation – Flanders (FWO) fellowship 12ZC422N. We thank the FONDEQUIP project EQM210133-ANID and Antonio Maldonado for use of their UWITEC coring platform, and the ANR- (France) & SNF- (Switzerland) funded AVATAR project for short-lived radionuclide measurements. S&P Kingdom is acknowledged for their educational user license providing seismic interpretation software. We are grateful to P. Arredondo, K. De Rycker, A. Peña, O. Fuentes, M. Almonacid, and F. Jaure for their assistance during fieldwork, the Ghent University Hospital Radiology Department for the use of the CT scanner, K. Demeestere for CT scanning support, I. Hajdas for radiocarbon sample analysis, S. Benischke for tephra sample preparation andMSCL scanning, andM. Tribus for guidance during microprobe analysis.
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