Proceedings of the 12th International INQUA meeting on paleoseismology, active tectonic and archaeoseismology

PATA Days is the most significant workshop on Paleoseismology, Active Tectonics and Archaeoseismology of the INQUA - TERPRO (Terrestrial Processes, Deposits & History) comission, which encourages the development of research on Quaternary continental environments and tectonics together with the mitigation of social impacts from natural hazards. For the first time in South America, the 12 th version of this important scientific meeting was held in Los Andes, central Chile, between October 6 th -11 th , 2024. On this occasion, we hosted 80 people coming from the Americas, Africa, Europe, Asia, and Oceania. The Organizing Committee is grateful to have had the opportunity to host this important meeting in the active subduction margin of the Nazca plate beneath the South American plate, with the Andes as an inspiration for scientific discussion around the most outstanding advances in earthquake science and active tectonics, in an atmosphere of friendship and collaboration, which characterize the PATAs. PATA Chile 2024, the event on this occasion, represented the opportunity to fulfill the proposal to hold this scientific congress in our continent, an initiative initially planned for 2020 and then 2021, but that was not possible due to the COVID-19 pandemic. This volume compiles 77 extended abstracts encompassing the research fields on earthquake geology and active tectonics, also including neotectonics, paleoseismology, paleotsunami, archaeoseismology, and seismic and cascade hazards. In addition to oral and poster presentations, the conference included 3 intra-meeting fieldtrips, two of them to visit outcrops and trenches on thrust faults at the western foot of the Andes -the Cariño Botado and the San Ramón fault systems- (led by L. Pinto and G. Easton, respectively), and one for paleotsunami record in the Quintero area, along the coast of central Chile (led by M. Cisternas). Optional pre-meeting and post- meeting fieldtrips to visit geological records of active tectonics associated to intraplate faulting and megathrust earthquakes along the coast of the Atacama Desert in northern Chile (led by G. González), and to the eastern Andean orogenic thrust front in Argentina, travelling across the Andes to Mendoza region (led by C. Costa), were also carried out. P R E F A C E