Proceedings of the 12th International INQUA meeting on paleoseismology, active tectonic and archaeoseismology
428 PATA Days 2024 R E F E R E N C E S Alfaro, A.; Pantoja, G.; Brantt, H. (2018). Peligro de remoción en masa en la región de Coquimbo-Sector Norte. Servicio Nacional de Geología y Minería, Informe Registrado IR-18- 68, 40 p., 3 anexos. Santiago. Ammirati, J.B.; Vargas, G.; Rebolledo, S.; Abrahami, R.; Potin, B.; Leyton, F.; Ruiz, S. (2019). The Crustal Seismicity of the Western Andean Thrust (Central Chile, 33°-34° S): Implications for Regional Tectonics and Seismic Hazard in the Santiago Area. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America 109 (5): 1985-1999. Antinao, J.L.; Gosse, J., 2009. Large rockslides in the Southern Central Andes of Chile (32-34.5°S): Tectonic control and significance for Quaternary landscape evolution. Geomorphology 104, 117-133. Chen, X. L., Zhou, Q., Ran, H., & Dong, R. (2012). Earthquake- triggered landslides in southwest China. Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 12(2), 351–363. https://doi. org/10.5194/nhess-12-351-2012. Dai, F. C., Xu, C., Yao, X., Xu, L., Tu, X. B., & Gong, Q. M. (2011). Spatial distribution of landslides triggered by the 2008 Ms 8.0 Wenchuan earthquake, China2. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 40(6), 883-895. .ttps:// jseaes.2010.04.010 Easton Vargas, G., Boroschek Krauskopf, R., Rebolledo Lemus, S., Inzulza Contardo, J., Ejsmentewicz Cáceres, D., Vergara Saavedra, P. y Giesen, E. (2022). Policy brief: La Falla San Ramón y la sostenibilidad del piedemonte de Santiago: recomendaciones para la política pública. Disponible en https: // handle/2250/183864. European Commission, Joint Research Centre, Aucun, B., Fajfar, P., Franchin, P. (2012). Eurocode 8 : seismic design of buildings - Worked examples, (B.Aucun,editor,E.Carvalho,editor,P. Pinto,editor,M.Fardis,e dito) Publications Office. https://data. Fan, X., Scaringi, G., Korup, O., West, A. J., van Westen, C. J., Tanyas, H., et al. (2019). Earthquake-induced chains of geologic hazards: Patterns, mechanisms, and impacts. Reviews of Geophysics, 57.. https://doi. org/10.1029/2018RG000626. Farías, V. (2017). Remociones en masa asociadas a sismicidad en el norte de Chile: análisis multiescala en distintos ambientes morfotectónicos. Tesis para optar al grado de Magíster en Ciencias, Mención Geología. Departamento de Geología. Universidad de Chile. Gonzalez de Vallejo, L. (2002). Ingeniería Geológica. Pearson Education. Jin-Hyuck Choi, Paul Edwards, Kyoungtae Ko, Young-Seog Kim. (2016). Definition and classification of fault damage zones: A review and a new methodological approach. Earth-Science Reviews, Pages 70-87, ISSN 0012- 8252 ,https://doi. org/10.1016/j.earscirev.2015.11.006. Keefer, D. K. (1984). Landslides caused by earthquakes. Geological Society of America Bulletin, 95(4), 406. Keefer, D. K. (2000). Statistical analysis of an earthquake- induced landslide distribution: The 1989 Loma Prieta, California event. Engineering Geology, 58(3-4), 213-249. https://doi. org/10.1016/S0013-7952(00)00037-5 Keefer, D. K. (2002). Investigating landslides caused by earthquakes – A historical review. Surveys in Geophysics, 23(5), 473-510. https: // 1021274710840 Lara, M. 2007. Metodología para la evaluación y zonificación de peligro de remociones en masa con aplicación en Quebrada San Ramón, Santiago Oriente, Región Metropolitana. Master Thesis (Unpublished), Universidad de Chile, Departamento de Geología: 212 p. Santiago. Lara, M.; Sepúlveda, S.A. 2010. Landslide susceptibility and hazard assessment in San Ramón Ravine, Santiago de Chile, from an engineering geological approach. Environmental Earth Sciences 60 (6): 1227-1243.
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