Proceedings of the 12th International INQUA meeting on paleoseismology, active tectonic and archaeoseismology

426 PATA Days 2024 SRF as a trigger In terms of distance to fault, the literature suggests that there is a higher number of landslides in the 5 km closest to a fault (e.g. Chen et al., 2012; Dai et al., 2011; Keefer, 2000; Keefer 2002; Tatard and Grasso (2013). On the other hand, accelerations PGA ≥ 0.3g concentrate the highest number of landslides (e.g. Moses, 2017). In terms of distance to fault, the literature suggests that there is a higher number of landslides in the 5 km closest to a fault (e.g. Chen et al., 2012). On the other hand, accelerations PGA≥ 0.3g concentrate the highest number of landslides (e.g. Moses, 2017). According to Ammirati (2019), most of Santiago would record accelerations >0.3g for an earthquake in the SRF and therefore landslides/falls could be triggered throughout the susceptible zone. R E S U LT S As can be seen in figures 1 to 3, there are areas with SI<50, areas with SI between 50 and 74 and sectors with SI>75. The sectors with SI>75 are sectors where the conditioning factors suggest a high favourability to the occurrence of each type of phenomena. The zones with SI>75 are located mainly in the higher areas of the hills bordering Santiago. This sectors, should be studied at a more detailed scale, especially in the case of the installation of critical infrastructure, roads or housing developments. It is important to note that rock falls and soil and rock slides may be very local phenomena and therefore not necessarily identified on the map. Therefore, caution should be taken for houses and roads located at the foot of steep (>40°) rock escarpments that may not appear on the map due to the scale. Antinao y Gosse (2009) propose that shallow seismicity is the primary trigger for large and deep rockslides in the southern Central Andes of Chile (32- 34.5° S). Although this type of phenomenon has not been considered in this study, areas characterized by higher susceptibility proposed in this work match with the location of large rockslides mapped by those authors, which include late Quaternary deposits. C O N C L U S I O N S Thiswork is a first approximationof the susceptibility of the mountain front to slides and falls during a seismic event on the San Ramón Fault. The zones with SI>75, located mainly in the higher areas of the hills bordering Santiago, should be studied at a more detailed scale, especially in the case of the installation of critical infrastructure, roads or housing developments. The landslide hazard should be considered in Santiago's urban expansion plans. A C K N O W L E D G E M E N T S We gratefully acknowledge the financial support provided by the Fondecyt Regular project (Grant No. 1230350) titled “Hacia el desarrollo sostenible del territorio en el siglo XXI: Escenarios comunales contrastados y criterios normativos de habitabilidad en el piedemonte de Santiago ante la nueva amenaza sísmica de la Falla San Ramón (FSR)”.