Proceedings of the 12th International INQUA meeting on paleoseismology, active tectonic and archaeoseismology

408 PATA Days 2024 C O N C L U S I O N A N D P E R S P E C T I V E S It is important to remark that the work performed here is the first step toward a comprehensive PFDHA characterization for the site selection of the Italian Nuclear Waste Repository. The obtained values represent the fault hazard along the principal fault; however, in the framework of the siting process, the CE-3 exclusion criterion excludes all those areas located less than 2.5 km from an active and capable fault. In this work we have started to explore this topic and we have presented the results for the annual frequency of exceedance on the principal fault. With the final aim to select the definitive site of the plant, our next goal is to i) investigate different seismotectonic settings in Italy and ii) perform a site- specific assessment by Probabilistic Fault Displacement Hazard Analysis on primary and on distributed faulting. R E F E R E N C E Frigerio, C., Bonadeo, L., Zerboni, A., Livio, F., Ferrario, M. F., Fioraso, G., Irace, A., Brunamonte, F., & Michetti, A. M. (2017). First evidence for Late Pleistocene to Holocene earthquake surface faulting in the Eastern Monferrato Arc (Northern Italy): geology, pedostratigraphy and structural study of the Pecetto di Valenza site. Quaternary International , 451, 143-164. ISPRA (2014). Guida tecnica n. 29 - Criteri per la localizzazione di un impianto di smaltimento superficiale di rifiuti radioattivi a bassa e media attività. https: // nucleare/GuidaTecn ica29.pdf ITHACA Working Group (2019). ITHACA (ITaly HAzard from CApable faulting), A database of active capable faults of the Italian territory. Version December 2019. ISPRA Geological Survey of Italy. Web Portal http://sgi2.isprambiente. it/ithacaweb/Mappatura.aspx Melissianos, V., & Vamvatsikos, D. (2020). Simplified estimation of design fault displacement for buried pipelines at fault crossing. XI International Conference on Structural Dynamics . 10.47964/1120.9250.19632 Michetti, A.M., Giardina, F., Livio, F., Mueller, K., Serva, L., Sileo, G., Vittori, E., Devoti, R., Riguzzi, F., Carcano, C., Rogledi, S., Bonadeo, L., Brunamonte, F., & Fioraso, G. (2012). Active compressional tectonics, Quaternary capable faults, and the seismic landscape of the Po Plain (N Italy). Annals of geophysics. Molli, G., Crispini, L., Malusà, M., Mosca, P., Piana, F., & Federico, L. (2010). Geology of the Western