Proceedings of the 12th International INQUA meeting on paleoseismology, active tectonic and archaeoseismology
In figure 4, the most distinctive feature is the change in orientation between the upstream watersheds compared to the almost perpendicular orientation of the downstream ridges. In addition, some watersheds are displaced laterally to the left. We can also observe the deviation of water currents, as well as linear trends in the drainage network. D I S C U S S I O N Mapping of the geomorphological features in figures 3 and 4 shows with more detail linear faults that not only show evidence of recent tectonic activity, but also give more details of the orientation of the fault zone and suggest movement associated with left-lateral strike-slip faults. Our work suggests that the geomorphological features observed in both models are evidence of recent tectonic activity in the Aps segment of the La Venta Fault. C O N C L U S I O N S The detection of potentially active faults with DTMs allows fault database to be improved, which is of great benefit in the probabilistic calculation of seismic risk. Surface faults are generally excluded in the preparation of national seismic hazard maps in Mexico, despite being structures capable of producing large earthquakes. The exclusion has been mainly due to the paucity of complete and reliable information on active faults. However, meterscale DEMs capture fault offsets, fault zone structure, and landscape properties at microgeomorphic scale. Being the starting point for the identification of active faults, and highlighting that on the surface, the complexity and sensitivity of the deformation is recorded in detail. A C K N O W L E D G E M E N T S Authors acknowledge the CONACYT Project 284365-PAPIIT IN-107721 for the financial support of this project. LFAM acknowledge the UNAM and the Graduate Program in Geography for the opportunity and facilities provided, and CONACYT for having provided a national scholarship for graduate students. R E F E R E N C E S Gaidzik, K., Ramírez-Herrera, M.T. & Kostoglodov, V. (2016). Active crustal faults in the forearc region, Guerrero sector of the Mexican Subduction Zone. Pure Appl. Geophys. 173, 3419–3443. Kazachkina, E., Kostoglodov, V., Husker, A., & Cotte, N. (2019). Activity of crustal faults and the Xolapa sliver motion in Guerrero–Oaxaca forearc of Mexico, from seismic data. Earth, Planets and Space, 71, 1-12. Keller, E.A. & Pinter, N. (1996) Active tectonics, earthquakes, uplift and landscape. Prentice Hall. Lowry, A.R., Larson, K.M., Kostoglodov, V., & Sanchez, O. (2006). The fault slip budget in Guerrero, southern Mexico. Geophys. J. Int., 200, 1-15. Wortel, R., & Cloetingh, S. (1981). On the origin of the Cocos- Nazca spreading center. Geology 9, 425–430.
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