Proceedings of the 12th International INQUA meeting on paleoseismology, active tectonic and archaeoseismology

38 PATA Days 2024 Figure 3 is a close-up of the NW sector of the DTM. We can see that the fault zone is characterized by a main corridor with features associated with strike-slip faults Keller & Pinter (1996). However, in Figure 2 we can see that in the SE region the geomorphological features are more subtle and are not observed with the same detail in this DTM. For that reason, we implemented aerial LiDAR data, it gives us a new opportunity to study the geomorphological features in that region with more detail. Fig. 2: DTM derived from SfM processing, with a general view of the study area in La Venta, Guerrero. Resolution: 5m/pixel. Below left the location within the forearc of the Mexican Subduction zone. Fig. 3: Interpretation of the geomorphological features of the fault zone corridor (NW). The fault lines shown in brown. Approach to the NW sector of the model derived from SfM processing. Resolution: 5m/pixel. Fig. 4: Close-up of the SE sector of the MDT LiDAR, implementing the Red Relief Image Map visualization method. The fault lines shown in brown; the orientation of the watersheds shown with blue dots. Resolution: 0.5 m/pixel.