Proceedings of the 12th International INQUA meeting on paleoseismology, active tectonic and archaeoseismology
In particular, they suggest that the regional left-lateral strike- slip fault “La Venta Fault”, which offsets the Papagayo River near the town of La Venta, shows evidence of recent activity, and corroborated by GPS measurements (4-5 mm/year) (Kazachkina et al., 2019). However, more detailed information is required to show how these faults actively influence the landscape. Identification of geomorphological features with evidence of tectonic activity provides the basis for mapping active faults. Fig. 1: Left panel: Tectonic setting of the study area. Right panel: Major crustal strike-slip faults recognized in the SE region of Guerrero Sector of the Mexican subduction zone. CF Cacahuatepec Fault; DAF Dos Arroyos Fault; CS Coyuca segment and APS Agua de Perro Segment of LVF La Venta Fault (in black). Modified from Gaidzik et al. (2017). M E T H O D S Two remote sensing techniques were implemented to generate high resolution DTMs: 1) Structure from Motion (SfM) and, 2) Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR). The DTMs generated with these techniques are the basis for the identification and analysis of the geomorphological features that allow us to characterize the tectonic activity of the study area. R E S U LT S Between 2018 and 2019, two aerial topographic surveys were carried out near the town of La Venta. The first through a fixed-wing drone flight from the eBee X Sense Fly brand with an HDRGB camera. The second through an aircraft flight implementing a LiDAR sensor. Figure 2 shows the DTM generated from the drone flight and implementing the SfMprocedure highlighting the topographic detail.
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