Proceedings of the 12th International INQUA meeting on paleoseismology, active tectonic and archaeoseismology

348 PATA Days 2024 Fig. 2: Preliminary results obtained for this research. A) Bathymetry with the location of all (short, surface and long) sediment cores and pinger sub-bottom profiles where a more detailed context of the lake floor for each sample (shown in B) can be observed. B) Histogram- equalized image (left) and CT visualization (right) for the upper 50 cm of four short and two surface cores for all lakes included in this research. Note the correlation (grey band) between the two cores from Huillinco and the two from Natri. The elemental composition of sulphur is shown for Cucao and Huillinco, and from potassium in Natri. The magnetic susceptibility (white line, 10-5 SI units) is plotted on the top of the core image – note the difference in scale between core sites.