Proceedings of the 12th International INQUA meeting on paleoseismology, active tectonic and archaeoseismology

344 1 2 T H I N T E R N AT I O N A L I N Q U A M E E T I N G O N PA L E O S E I S M O L O G Y , A C T I V E T E C T O N I C S A N D A R C H A E O S E I S M O L O G Y ( PATA ) , O C T O B E R 6 T H - 1 1 T H , 2 0 2 4 , L O S A N D E S , C H I L E PATA Days 2024 K E Y W O R D S sedimentology, geochemistry, tephrochronology, earthquake, lake (1) Institute of Geology, University of Innsbruck, Innsbruck, Austria. (2) Renard Centre of Marine Geology, Department of Geology, Ghent University, Ghent, Belgium. (3) Department of Botany, University of Innsbruck, Innsbruck, Austria. (4) Institute of Mineralogy and Petrography, University of Innsbruck, Innsbruck, Austria. (5) Instituto de Ciencias de la Tierra, Universidad Austral de Chile, Valdivia, Chile. (6) Department of Geography and Environmental Sciences, Northumbria University, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, UK. (7) Institute of Geography, Department of Geography and Earth Sciences, University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Erlangen, Germany. (8) EDYTEM, Université Savoie Mont-Blanc, CNRS, Le Bourget-du- Lac, France. (9) Faculty of Environmental Sciences, University of Concepción, Concepción, Chile. *Email: Valentina Moreno-Allende (1) Katleen Wils (1,2) Ariana Molenaar (1) Arne Ramisch (1) Markus Niederstätter (1) Jean Nicolas Haas (3) Jürgen Konzett (4) Marc De Batist (2) Philipp Kempf (2) Mario Pino (5) Daniel Melnick (5) Emma Hocking (6) Christoph Mayr (7) Pierre Sabatier (8) Roberto Urrutia (9) Jasper Moernaut (1) LINKING TSUNAMI DEPOSITS , LAND-LEVEL CHANGES AND SEISMO-TURBIDITE ARCHIVES IN LAKE SEDIMENTS FROM CHILOÉ ISLAND, SOUTH-CENTRAL CHILE A B S T R A C T The Valdivia seismo-tectonic segment is part of the Chile- Peru subduction zone between the Nazca Plate and the South American Plate, in the south-central Chile. The written rupture history documents four major events in 1575, 1737, 1837, 1960 CE, which allows us to calibrate and understand the upper event deposits of short lacustrine sediment cores in the central part of Chiloé Island. Information related to paleo-earthquakes is scarcer, making it difficult to link the event depositional records in the area. The objective of this study is to combine published and new sedimentary records to link coastal and continental paleo-rupture, paleo- earthquake, and paleo-tsunami data. Our preliminary results indicate that the integration of sedimentary records allows their correlation and thus a better understanding of tsunami and earthquake footprints in our studied lakes, probably covering the last ~7.5 kyrs. Thus, this study aims to improve local risk assessment in this highly seismic region.