Proceedings of the 12th International INQUA meeting on paleoseismology, active tectonic and archaeoseismology

Fig. 2: Morphotectonic and Gomorphologic map of the studied area, located in Fig. 1. Sites: LBT – Los Baena Trench, G1 – Garganta 1 G2 – Garganta 2 CC – Casa Conde. Fig. 3: Interpretation of Los Baena trench Paleoseismic analysis Various fault strands have been identified in the area across multiple outcrops, affecting the alluvial fan deposits of the region. Additionally, a paleoseismic trench has been excavated along one of the fault traces (Fig. 2). In the trench (Los Baena) (Fig. 3), the fault is affecting the Q2 and Q3 alluvial fan generations. The A unit is a soil developed on top of the B unit, consisting of reddish gravels from alluvial fans. Below these gravels lie grey gravels (C) with paleochannel geometry at the bottom. These three units belong to the Q2. Unit D consist of polymictic gravels from the Q3 generation, while E consists of Tortonian marls. The entire sequence is deformed and folded, with the fault affecting the entire stratigraphy up to the surface. There are no units that postdate its last rupture event. The faults that do not reach the surface also appear to be deformed, tilted to the SE. This could indicate that there was a first rupture event where these faults affected unit B and then were deformed by later events. In the trench, the fault is seen uplifting the NW block, putting in contact the tortonian marls with the alluvial fan deposits, consistent with surface observations.